释义 |
孤孤 | 567A35 32S.83-9 | 部居
| 畫數 8 | ㄍㄨ [gu1] | N. | (1) An orphan: 孤兒 [gu1e2er0]↓; 孤哀子 [gu1ai1zi3]↓; 撫孤 bring up the child of a deceased friend; 託孤 entrust child to a friend on deathbed. (2) (AC) a high-ranking official: 三孤 the three deputies to the tutors of the crown prince.
| Pron. | (AC) (court.) my humble self, a term generally used by anc. prince or king: 孤王 I, your humble prince (cf. Eng. “we”); 孤家寡人 ditto, (facet.) an elderly bachelor; 稱孤道寡 address oneself as king (see 寡人 62.50).
| V.t. | Show ingratitude to: 孤恩,孤負 [gu1en1], [gu1fu0]↓.
| Adj. | (1) Lonely, solitary: 孤獨 [gu1du2], 孤單 [gu1dan1], 孤另 [gu1ling4], 孤立 [gu1li4], 孤本 [gu1ben3]↓; 孤陋 [gu1lou4]↓. 孤零零的 lonely and helpless; 孤苦 [gu1ku3]↓; 孤掌難鳴 helpless and without friendly support (“cannot clap with one hand”); 孤臣孽子 (Ac) a son born of a concubine and out of imperial favor, also (LL) a supporter of a lost dynasty or cause; 孤城 a deserted or isolated city; 孤墳 a lone grave; 孤山 a lone hill; 小孤山 name of a hill in the middle of the Yangtze near Kiukiang. (2) (Of persons or things) aloof, detached: 孤僻 [gu1pi4], 孤憤 [gu1fen4], 孤芳 [gu1fang1], 孤峭 [gu1qiao4]↓; 孤雲野鶴 descriptive of the life of a carefree hermit (lit., “like a lone cloud or a wild crane”).
| Words | 1. 孤哀子 [gu1ai1zi3], n., a newly bereaved son (of both parents), a term generally used in funeral notices. 2. 孤本 [gu1ben3], n., as in 海內孤本 only extant copy of a rare book. 3. 孤標 [gu1biao1], adj., (1) (of persons) preeminent, distinguished, in looks or conduct; (2) (of mountains) steep, rising high into the sky. 4. 孤峭 [gu1qiao4], adj., (of persons) independent, aloof in temperament and character. 5. 孤單 [gu1dan1], adj., solitary, living alone. 6. 孤丁 [gu1ding0], n., (1) a protuberance; (2) an unexpected de velopment or impediment; (3) (gambling) the entire stake, see[gu1zhu4]↓; (4) ([gu1ding1]) a person all by himself. 7. 孤獨 [gu1du2], adj., solitary, standing alone. 8. 孤恩 [gu1en1], v.i., to forget former favors, turn against benefactor. 9. 孤兒 [gu1e2er0], n., an orphan: 孤兒寡婦 orphans and widows; 孤兒院 an orphanage. 10. 孤芳 [gu1fang1], adj., as in 孤芳自賞 narcissistic; spurning publicity. 11. 孤憤 [gu1fen4], adj., disillusioned with the world, championing an unpopular cause. 12. 孤負 [gu1fu0], v.i., be ungrateful to others; fail (a friend, one's parents) (also wr. 辜負 10.10). 13. 孤寡 [gu1gua3], n., widows and orphans. 14. 孤拐 (兒) [gu1guai0] (gu-gua-'l), n., (1) the cheekbone; (2) the ball of the foot. 15. 孤鬼 (兒) [gu1gueeer0], n., (humorous) one who lives alone without family or companions (lit., “lonely ghost”). 16. 孤魂 [gu1hun2], n., (1) a wandering soul; (2) one without family or friends. 17. 孤寂 [gu1ji2], adj., lonely. 18. 孤注 [gu1zhu4], n., usu. in 孤注一擲 stake the whole amount, (fig.) make a last-ditch stand against the opponent with all one has. 19. 孤苦 [gu1ku3], adj., alone and helpless; 孤苦零丁. 20. 孤老 [gu1lao3], n., (1) an old man without children; (2)a woman's paramour; a singsong artist's protector. 21. 孤立 [gu1li4], adj., isolated; 孤立主義(者) isolationism (-ist). 22. 孤另 [gu1ling4], adj., see [gu1dan1]↑. 23. 孤陋 [gu1lou4], adj., uncultured: 孤陋寡聞 poorly read and ignorant (usu. self-deprecatory). 24. 孤鸞 [gu1luan2], n., widower. 25. 孤露 [gu1lu4], n., (LL) an infant orphan. 26. 孤僻 [gu1pi4], adj., (1) holding oneself aloof, disinclined to associate with others; (2) (of localities) remote and not easily accessible. 27. 孤孀 [gu1shuang1], n., (1) a window and her orphaned child; (2) a widow.