释义 |
嫩嫩 | 1417C15 93A.82-1 | 部居
 | 畫數 14 | ㄋㄣˋ [nen4] (ㄋㄨㄣˋ [nun4] ). [Var. ; pop. ] | Adj. | (1) Tender, delicate, soft: 嫩芽 a tender shoot; 嫩皮 soft skin, soft furs; 嫩嫩的 soft and tender; 嫩骨頭 cartilage, soft bones; 嫩豆腐 tender bean curd; 這肉很嫩 this piece of meat is very tender; 嬌嫩 (of woman) shy and delicate; 又白又嫩 (of face) fair and tender. (2) Initial, just beginning: 嫩晴,嫩寒,嫩涼 first days of fair, cold, cool weather. (3) Inexperienced, immature: 面皮嫩 (of a person's bearing or attitude) shy; 資格嫩 lacking experience or practice; 年紀嫩 young in years; 他還是嫩得很 he is still too immature. (4) Light-colored: 嫩黃 light yellow; 嫩綠 light green; 嫩色 pale-colored.