释义 |
婦婦 | 1407C30 93A.22-5 | 部居
 | 畫數 11 | ㄈㄨˋ [fu4] | N. | (1) Womenfolk: usu. 婦女 [fu4nU3]↓; 婦孺 women and children; 婦工 needlework, cuisine; 婦容 women's proper dress and appearance; 婦言 women's speech, esp. not to talk; 婦德 women's virtue, esp. as wife, mother, -in-law; 情婦 sweetheart; 淫婦,蕩婦 woman of loose morals; 娼婦 prostitute; 妖婦 vampire; 命婦 lady of rank. (2) Married woman: 新婦 bride; 少婦 young married woman; 寡婦 widow. (3) Wife: 夫婦 husband and wife; 媳婦 daughter-in-law.
| Words | 1. 婦道 [fu4dao4], n., (1) women's proper conduct; (2) 婦道人家 [fu4dao0ren0jia0], womenfolk. 2. 婦科 [fu4ke1], n., gynecology. 3. 婦女 [fu4nU3], n., women in gen.; 婦女節 [fu4nU3jie2], Women's Day; 婦女會 [fu4nU3hui4], women's association, cf. 女 93.93. 4. 婦人 [fu4ren2], n., women: 婦人之仁 petty kindness.