释义 |
娘娘 | 1405A35 93A.02-6 | 部居
 | 畫數 10 | ㄋㄧㄤˊ [niang2] . [Interch. 孃] | N. | (1) Mother: 娘,娘娘 mamma, mummy, see 娘娘 [niang2niang2]↓; 老娘 my old mother (occa. used as pron. by an elderly woman) I; 親娘 one's own mother; 乾娘 foster mother, mother of an adopted child; 後娘,晚娘 stepmother; 過房娘 aunt adopted as mother; 爹娘 father and mother; 叫爹叫娘 (contempt.) cry “mamma” in distress; 娘兒 mother and child. (2) Elderly lady or lady of higher rank than oneself: 嬸娘 wife of one's paternal uncle; 姨娘 sister of one's mother; 舅娘 wife of one’s mother's brother; 娘姨 maidservant, see 娘姨 [niang2yi2]↓; 師娘 wife of one's teacher; 大娘 (vern.) “ma'am” as a polite form of address; 乳娘,奶娘 a wet nurse; 喜娘 bride's advisor during ceremony. (3) A young girl or lady: 姑娘 miss, as a form of address; 李姑娘 Miss Li; 小嬌娘 a charming little lass; 伴娘 bridesmaid; 新娘 bride; 娘 oft. added to a girl's personal name as in 蕙娘.
| Words | 1. 娘親 [niang2qin1], n., (1) mother; (2) relatives on the maternal side. 2. 娘家 [niang2jia0], n., a married woman's maiden home. 3. 娘舅 [niang2jiu4], n., uncle on the maternal side. 4. 娘兒 [niang2er0], n., (Peking dial.) aunt: 娘兒們 [niarer0men0] (1) woman in gen.: 小娘兒們 cute little girls; 騷娘兒們 sexy girls; (2) mother and child (ren) . 5. 娘母子 [niang2mu0zi0], n., (dial.) mother; also 娘母兒 [niang2mu0er0], (MC) mother. 6. 娘娘 [niang2niang0], n., (1) mother; (2) Her Majesty the Queen; (3) a goddess: 王母娘娘 Goddess the Queen Mother; 送子娘娘 Goddess of Fertility. 7. 娘胎 [niang2tai1], n., a mother's womb. 8. 娘子 [niang2zi0], n., (1) (MC) one's own wife; (2) (dial.) one's own mother; (3) young women: 小娘子 (usu.) a married woman, (occa.) an unmarried girl; (4) a court lady. 9. 娘姨 [niang2yi2], n., (1) sister of one's mother (same as 姨娘); (2) (Soochow dial.) maidservant.