

ㄖㄨˊ [ru2
V.t.(1)  Be like or similar to: 花似玉 (of a woman) as beautiful as flowers and jades;
湯沃雪 (of things) easy to do (“as easy as melting snow by pouring hot water on it”);
火 (of troops) massed together in splendid formation, (of things) growing vigorously;
狼牧羊 (of magistrates) rule the people oppressively (“like a wolf shepherding sheep”);
膠似漆 (of persons) love each other dearly (“be firmly attached to each other”);
箎 fraternal love;
出一口 everyone says so;
數家珍 can speak on a subject with great familiarity (“like telling off one's family treasures”);
坐針氈 feel extremely uneasy (“like sitting on a pincushion”);
臨大敵 be on one's guard for all possible dangers, be prepared for any eventualities (“as if facing a mortal enemy”);
釋重負 heave a sigh of relief;
魚得水 (of persons) get along with one another swimmingly (“like fish in water”);
出一轍 (of actions) be identical or similar, (of ideas or plans) follow the same pattern (“as if made in the same mold”);
弟 act towards one another like brothers and sisters;
喪考妣 be grief-stricken (“as if bereaved of parents”);
影隨形 be a person's shadow, be a true reflection of what is, (of cause and effect) follow as a matter of course;
鯁在喉 give vent to one's pent-up feelings (“like a fishbone stuck in the throat”);
be similar to, such as, might be compared to;
(2)  Measure up to, compare favorably with, be as good as: 自以為不 consider oneself inferior to another.
(3)  Visit, go to: [ru2ce4]↓.
Adj.In accordance with the convention or ritual: 儀.
Prep.(1)  According to: [ru2yUe1], [ru2ming4], [ru2qi2]1↓.
(2)  For: 例 for example;
for instance.
Conj.If, supposing: [ru2ruo4]↓;
Particle.(1)  In special formation: 之何 how, also what could be done? 之奈何 what is there to do about it?
(2)  (AC, LL) serving as a vb. complement (=然): 海內晏 peace reigns throughout the land;
恂恂 truthfully, gently;
空空也 entirely empty.
Words1. [ru2chang2], (1) adj., commonplace, ordinary: 這個陣勢也只常 this order of battle is rather commonplace; (2) adv., as usual.
2. [ru2qi2]1, phr., according to schedule: 期而至 come at the appointed time.
3. [ru2qi2]2, conj., if, supposing, in case.
4. [ru2chu1], adv., as before, as of old.
5. [ru2di4], n., a younger sworn brother.
6. 夫人 [ru2fu1ren2] ([ru2fu1ren0]), n., a concubine.
7. [ru2gan1], adj., a certain number of; how many? (=若干).
8. [ru2gu4], v.i. & adv., (1) v.i., be like old friends: 一見故 strike a friendship with s.o. on first meeting him; v.i. & adv., (2) adv., as before, as in the good old days.
9. [ru2guo3], conj., if (it should come to pass), supposing that.
10. [ru2he2], adv., (1) how? why? (2) at one's wits’ end, at a loss as to what to do: 何 what shall I do, what shall I do? (3) (if not) the what is: 聾啞非害國家何也 if pretending to be deaf and dumb is not unpatriotic, then what is?
11. [ru2huo4], conj., if, perchance, in case.
12. [ru2jin1], adv., now (-adays), in these days, at the present time: 今晚兒 [ru2jin1wa3er0], ditto.
13. [ru2jiu4], adj., as before, as of old.
14. 之何 [ru2zhi1he2], adv., how: 之何其可乎 how should this be best handled? what's the best way out? 將之何 what are you (am I) going to do about it?
15. [ru2lai2], n., (Budd.) the title for Sakyamuni.
16. 律令 [ru2lU4ling4], phr., (1) strict and inviolate, (of laws) as hereby proclaimed; (2) (concluding phr. of charms, magic formulas) potent and binding.
17. [ru2ming4], adv., (court.) according to your wish.
18. [ru2ruo4], conj., supposing, in case.
19. [ru2ru2], adv., as in 癢把心不定 (MC) itchy and restless.
20. [ru2xin1]1, adj., pleased, gratified, satisfied, contented, delighted.
21. [ru2xin1]2, adj. & adv., see 寧馨 62.00.
22. 數(兒) [ru2shu4] ([er0]), adv., (of money) with the entire amount: 數(兒)歸清 (of debts) all duly repaid.
23. [ru2shi4]1, adv., (1) (Budd.) thus: 是我聞 “thus have I heard (from the Buddha)”; (2) such, in this (that) way.
24. [ru2shi4]2, adj., (AC) comfortable, contented, cheerful, happy, at ease.
25. [ru2xiong1], n., an elder sworn brother.
26. [ru2xU3], adj., (1) (LL) a certain amount (sum, quantity) of: 許錢 so much money (cash); (2) (LL) such, of this (that) kind.
27. [ru2si1], adj., like this (that), of this (that) kind.
28. [ru2ce4], v.i., go to the toilet.
29. [ru2ci3], adj., so, such, like this (that).
30. [ru2](')[tong2], adj., similar to, like.
31. [ru2zi4], adv., (of Chin. characters) according to the basic pronunciation: 讀字 to be so read.
32. [ru2yi1], adj., uniform, identical.
33. [ru2yi4], (1) n., an ornamental piece made of bones, bamboo, wood, metals or jade; (2) adj., satisfied, pleased, happy, comfortable; adj., 意草 [ru2yi4cao3], n., (1) (bot.) Viola verecunda; (2) the great burdock, Arctium lappa.
34. [ru2you3], phr., if any.
35. [ru2yUan4], phr., (1) if willing; (2) as one wishes: 願以償 have one's wish fulfilled.
36. [ru2yUe1], adv., as per agreement, according to appointment.





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