释义 |
套套 | 234B20 12.93 | 部居
 | 畫數 10 | ㄊㄠˋ [tao4] | N. adjunct. | A set, series: 這一套衣服 this coat and pants, dress ensemble; 一套麻匠牌子 a set of mahjong; 一套東西 an odd lot of things.
| N. | (1) ([tao4zi0], [er0]) Cover, covering case: 枕套 pillowcase; 被套 bedding; 椅套 slip cover for chairs; 手套 gloves; 套鞋 [tao4xie2]↓; 外套 overcoat; 套衣,套褲 [tao4yi1], [tao4ku4]↓; 封套 envelope, folder; 筆套 case for writing brush; 書套 cloth case for a set of books; 信套 big envelope. (2) Set: 整套傢具 a whole set of furniture; 套房,套版,套杯 [tao4fang2], [tao4ban3], [tao4bei1]↓. (3) Trick, trap: 圈套 a trap; 落套,落了套中 fall into trap. (4) Clich?/i>, formula: 俗套,老套 (derog.) same old things, hackneyed phrases or statements; 客套,虛套 empty, routine compliments; 老是這一套 the same old things too often repeated.
| V.t. | (1) Fit over, slip over (as gloves, slip covers): 套上去,套進去 put into cover; 從頭上套下來 slip overhead (as pullovers); 套白狼 strangle from the back; 套半車 of widow with children remarrying. (2) To harness: 套車 to get cart ready; 套馬 to harness horse to cart, to lasso horse. (3) To trick into talking: 套口供,套出來 trick accused into confession or admitting details; 套頭裹腦 blindfold person. (4) Bring close, attach: 套上交情,套拉攏 succeed in establishing friendship; 套近 hang around, become close to (person); 套紅 to add red coloring. (5) Copy: 套樣 copy model; 套用成語 use hackneyed formulas; 套別人的話 borrow other's phrases.
| Words | 1. 套版 [tao4ban3], n., colored plates, ancient color wood-block printing, see [tao4se4ban3]↓. 2. 套杯 [tao4bei1], n., a set of cups, one inside another. 3. 套氣 [tao4qi0], n., formality (=客氣). 4. 套房 [tao4fang2], n., suite of rooms, hotel suite. 5. 套話 [tao4hua4], n., conventionalities: 話裡套話 loaded questions. 6. 套環兒 [tao4hua2er0], n., pretzel-like eatable; a set of connected rings. 7. 套匯 [tao4hui4], n., arbitrage. 8. 套價 [tao4jia4], n., cross rate. 9. 套間 [tao4jian1], n., small side room adjacent to main room, see [tao4fang2]↑. 10. 套褲 [tao4ku4], n., leg sheaths or over trousers without hips that are tied over trousers. 11. 套連 [tao4lian2], v.i., connect up by ties. 12. 套禮 [tao4li3], n., conventional courtesies. 13. 套色版 [tao4se4ban3], n., anc. colored woodblocks; such printing. 14. 套鞋 [tao4xie2], n., galoshes, rubbers. 15. 套數 [tao4shu4], n., (Yuan Dyn.) opera text without dialogues. 16. 套索 [tao4suo3], n., lasso. 17. 套衣 [tao4yi1], n., outer garment.