释义 |
奉奉 | 217C10 12.10 | 部居
 | 畫數 8 | ㄈㄥˋ [feng4] . [Cogn.捧 10A.10] | V.i. & t. | (1) Receive or proffer from below, quite freely attached to vbb. esp. in correspondence, with the sense “I beg to,” “I have the honor to”: 奉懇,奉求,奉禱 I beg, pray; 奉託 I request, entrust; 奉復 I reply; 奉陳,奉達,奉告 beg to inform you; 奉請,奉候 offer best wishes; 奉勸 venture to persuade you; 奉獻 beg to present (s.t.); 奉還,奉陪,奉送 [feng4huan2], [feng4pei2], [feng4song4]↓. (2) Generally to receive, keep, obey (orders, laws): 奉旨 by imperial decree; 奉公守法 carry out official duties and observe the laws; 奉職 carry out duties; 奉使 carry out mission; 奉命,奉行 [feng4ming4], [feng4xing2]↓; 等因奉此 “etcetera, therefore”--formula in official documents for passing on communication from superior, after quote, followed by 相應函達 I dutifully pass on information, without commitment or assuming responsibility. (3) To serve, attend to comforts of parents: 侍奉父母,晨昏, see 奉養 [feng4yang3]↓.
| Words | 1. 奉安 [feng4an1], n., ceremony of burial of empress. 2. 奉承 [feng4cheng2] ([feng4cheng0]), v.t., to serve with particular attention; to get into the good graces of (superior). 3. 奉還 [feng4huan2], n., (court.) to return (article). 4. 奉命 [feng4ming4], v.i., to follow orders, instructions. 5. 奉陪 [fen4pei2], v.i., have the honor of keeping company; accept invitation to come. 6. 奉行 [feng4xing2], v.i., carry out orders: 奉行故事 do s.t. as a matter of form. 7. 奉送 [feng4song4], v.t., have the honor to send. 8. 奉養 [feng4yang3], v.t., to look after parents in their old age.