

ㄈㄨ [fu1 as n., man, husband; ㄈㄨˊ [fu2 (LL) in all other parts of speech.
Fin. part.(LL) in questions and exclamations, indicating deep feeling: 逝者如斯 things pass away like this! oft. with 矣:有矣 there is such a thing;
吾已矣 it is time for me to stop;
with 也:莫吾知也 alas, no one understands me!
Adj.(LL demonstrative adj. & pron.) this, that, these, those: 人不言 this man does not talk;
人之子 you are spoiling this man's son;
三子者之言 what those three people say;
地,今水 now this earth, this water.
Adv. & conj.(LL beginning sentences and opening generalizations) now, as regards: 仁者 now (as regards) 仁;
道若大路然 now the Way (Tao) is like a broad highway;
何憂何懼 now what is there to worry about? 如此,如是 only so;
豈不知 now don’t I (dosen't he) know? 既如此 now that it is so;
that being so;
唯不爭,故… it is because he does not contend, therefore…;
with 且 in 且 moreover;
with 今 in 今 now (introducing generalization).
Prep.(LL) than, at, with: 視前者 compared with the former.
N.Pr. [fu1]. (1)  Man, like Eng. “working man,” “fisherman,” or “-er” in “worker” “farmer”: 漁 fisherman;
driver, chauffeur;
driver of horse carriage;
sedan chair bearer;
ordinary person;
an ordinary individual;
役 servants;
old man (oft. speaking of oneself).
(2)  Husband: 丈 husband, see 君,[fu1jUn1], [fu1zhu3]↓;
黨 husband's people;
兄弟 husband's brothers;
婦,妻,[fu1fu4], [fu1qi1], [fu1jia1]↓;
未婚 fiance, see 大,大^丈 12.81.
Words1. [fu1qi1], n., husband and wife: 妻反目,不和 quarrel between husband and wife.
2. [fu1fu4], n., husband and wife: 婦偕老 husband and wife live together till old age; 婦好合,唱婦隨 harmony between husband and wife; see [fu1qi1]↑.
3. [fu1jia1], n., husband's family.
4. 己氏 [fu1ji3shi4], n., (AC) a certain person (purposely vague) =某.
5. [fu1zhu3], n., husband (as head of family).
6. [fu1jUn1], n., husband (litr. term of reference).
7. [fu1ma3], n., official retinue; servants; 馬費 entertainment expenses.
8. [fu1ren2] ([fu1ren0]), n., madam, Mrs., gen. term of reference for wife in polished society: 張人 Mrs. Chang; n., 如人 concubine; 竹人 bamaoo footrest, “Dutch wife.”
9. 婿 [fu1xU4], n., husband.
10. [fu1zi3], (1) n., (LL) teacher, master: 孔子 Confucius, Master Kung; n., elderly scholar; [fu1zi0], (2) n., common laborer (also wr. 伕子).
11. [fu1yi4], n., servants.





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