

ㄓㄨㄥ [zhong1 (*ㄓㄨㄥˋ [zhong4).
N.(1)  Center, middle, inside: 當 center;
in the center;
(2)  Middle of time, place, period, area used after n., thus forming what must be called postpositions, in place of prepositions, like “within” “during”: 國,家,校 in the country, home, school;
in the course of 說話之 during the talk;
also in area: 吳 in the [wu2] region;
貞觀 during the reign [zhen1guan1];
人 a person involved in the case;
在考慮 under consideration;
入其圈 fall inside trap, circle.
(3)  Short for 國:外人士 Chinese and foreign gentlemen;
西合璧 Chinese and Western (styles, texts) combined;
俄關係 relations between China and Russia.
(4)  Short for 學:高,初 senior, junior high school.
V.t.(1)  (*[zhong4] Hit (target): 彩,獎 win lottery, prize;
選 win election;
槍,彈 be hit by bullet;
計,[zhong1ji4], [zhong1di4]1↓.
(2)  Be touched by (weather, poison, etc.): 暑,寒,風,[zhong1shu3], [zhong1han2], [zhong1feng1], [zhong1du2]↓.
(3)  Pass examination: 舉,[zhong1jU3], [zhong1shi4]3↓.
(4)  To fit taste, liking, be agreeable to: 聽,吃,[zhong1ting1], [zhong1chi1], [zhong1yong4]↓;
肯,[zhong1ken3], [zhong1li3]↓;
(5)  As vb. complement like “on”in “hit on,” “hook on”: 考 pass examination;
guess right;
了 take a fancy to (object, girl).
Adj.(1)  Middle, mid-: 世紀 the Middle Ages;
古 mid-ancient period, [zhong1gu3]↓;
十九世紀葉 mid-nineteenth century;
圈 middle circle;
立,[zhong1li4], [zhong1zheng4]1↓;
庸,[zhong1yong1], [zhong1he2]↓.
(2)  Medium-grade, mediocre: 等身材 of medium height;
等人材 medium or average talent;
姿 middling looks;
篇小說 a novelette;
just right;
產,[zhong1chan3], [zhong1xUe2]↓.
Adv.In the middle, halfway: 斷,輟 stop halfway.
Words1. [zhong1bao3]1, n., guarantor.
2. [zhong1bao3]2, v.i., to put into personal pocket (accounts); to “squeeze”public funds.
3. [zhong1biao3], n., first cousin, child of father’s sister or mother's brother.
4. [zhong1bian4], n., unexpected change in events.
5. [zhong1bu4], n., central part (of anything).
6. [zhong1chan3], n., as in 產階級 the middle class.
7. [zhong1chao2], n., (1) Chin. court (government); (2) the officialdom: 朝半為黨人 (MC) half of the officials are party men.
8. [zhong1qiu1], n., (秋節) 15th day of the eight month of the lunar calendar, Mid-Autumn Festival.
9. 吃 *[zhong4chi1], adj., good to eat, tasty.
10. [zhong1qUan2], n., (LL) (1) (AC) main army; (2) those in power.
11. [zhong1dao4], (1) n., the middle course: 道而行 follow the middle course; (2) adv., halfway: 道而廢 stop halfway.
12. [zhong1dian3], n., (math.) middle point.
13. 的 *[zhong4di4]1, phr., hit the target.
14. 第 *[zhong4di4]2, v.i., pass the civil examinations.
15. [zhong1duan4], v.i., break in the middle, break off.
16. [zhong1dong1], n., Middle East (Asia).
17. 毒(兒) *[zhong4du2]([er0]), v.i., be poisoned.
18. [zhong1er3], n., (physiol.) the middle ear;
19. 耳炎 [zhong1er3yan2], n., Otitismedia
20. [zhong1fan4], n., lunch, luncheon.
21. [zhong1fei1], n., Central Africa.
22. [zhong1fei4], n., agent's fee.
23. 風 *[zhong4feng1], n., a paralytic stroke: 風不語 paralysed in speech.
24. [zhong1feng1], n., (1) (football) center forward; (2) (callig.) the use of the brush point perpendicularly, rather than on a slant.
25. [zhong1geng1], v.i., to till the farm after the sprouts have come up.
26. [zhong1gou4], n., (AC & LL) 冓之言 gossip about private morals.
27. [zhong1guan1], n., (1) eunuch; (2) (AC) the officials.
28. [zhong1gong1], n., the empress.
29. [zhong1guo2], n., China;
30. 國人 [zhong1guo2ren2], n., Chinese.
31. [zhong1gu3], n., “mid-ancient”or medieval period (generally 漢晉 Hahn and Jihn Dyns., preceded by 上古時代--terms with fluctuating connotations).
32. 寒 *[zhong4han2], v.i., to catch a cold.
33. [zhong1he2], (1) v.t. & adj., moderate, not extreme; (2) n., 和作用 (chem.) neutralization.
34. [zhong1hua2], n., China; 華民國 the Republic of China (oft. abbr. ROC).
35. [zhong1hui3], v.i., change one's mind in middle course; regret.
36. [zhong1zheng4]1, adj., the central and the upright.
37. [zhong1zheng4]2, n., personal witness.
38. [zhong1jiang4], n., (mil.) lieutenant general.
39. [zhong1jian1]1, n., the core; (football) center half back: 堅分子 the hard-core of a group, party.
40. [zhong1jian1]2, n., (1) the inside, the middle between (as alley between houses); (2) in the course of: 說話間 while speaking;
41. 間人 [zhong1jian1ren2], n., go-between, agent, mediator.
42. 節 *[zhong4jie2], phr., (1) in rhythm; (2) (AC) not too much of anything, proper and just: 發而皆節 (emotions) are expressed justly (not repressed).
43. 計 *[zhong4ji4], phr., fall into trap.
44. 酒 *[zhong4jiu3], phr., suffer from over drinking.
45. [zhong1jUan1], n., (AC) palace eunuchs.
46. [zhong1jUn1], n., formerly, (mil.) central column, main army.
47. 舉 *[zhong4jU3], phr., to pass the second degree of 舉人 [zhu3ren2] in Imperial Examinations.
48. [zhong1zhi3]1, v.i., to stop in the middle.
49. [zhong1zhi3]2, n., the middle finger.
50. 肯 *[zhong4ken3], adj., (of remarks) to the point.
51. [zhong1kui4], n., (AC) as in 主饋 cooking as wife's job; also later used for “wife.”
52. [zhong1li4], adj. & n., neutral, -ity: 立國 neutral country; 武裝立 armed neutrality.
53. 理 *[zhong4li3], adj., reasonable (=合理).
54. [zhong1liu2], (1) n., midstream, river current: 流砥柱 pillar of strength; (2) adj., middle average: the middle class: 流社會; adj., 流人品 average character or looks.
55. [zhong1lu4], (1) n., middle of road; (2) adj., mediocre (goods).
56. [zhong1luo4], v.i., (of fortunes) to decline.
57. 滿 [zhong1man3], adj., (Chin. med.) have a swollen belly.
58. [zhong1mei3], (1) n., Central America; (2) phr., China and U.S.
59. [zhong1nian2], n., middle of life, after forty.
60. [zhong1po1], n., (electronics) medium wave.
61. [zhong1ren2], n., (1) person of medium or average grade; (2) (AC) middle class; (3) friends in the palace; eunuchs.
62. [zhong1shan1], n., courtesy name of Dr. Sun Yat-sen (孫逸仙), father of Chinese Republic; (oft. used as name of roads, schools, etc.); 山裝 style of man's jacket with closed collar without tie.
63. 傷 *[zhong4shang1], v.t., to hurt s.o. by remark; (p.p.) hit by sword or bullet.
64. [zhong1shang1], v.i., (AC) die between 12-15 of age.
65. 生代 [zhong1sheng1dai4], n., (geol.) Mesozoic era.
66. [zhong1xia4], n., (LL) China.
67. [zhong1xian4], n., (math.) line from apex of triangle to middle of base.
68. [zhong1xiao1], n., middle of the night; midnight.
69. [zhong1xiao4], n., (mil.) lieutenant colonel.
70. [zhong1xing4], n. & adj., neutral, neutral character.
71. [zhong1xin1], n., center (of problem, attention, etc.), core (of group, matter), center of related studies, study or service center, etc.: 心思想 basic idea in philosophic system; 心軸 central axis; 心蝕 central eclipse; 心點 central point.
72. [zhong1xing1], n., resurgence, restoration of power after temporary collapse in dynastic rule: 興名臣 minister who gave a new lease of life to ruling house.
73. [zhong1xing2], n., (AC) one who follows the middle road.
74. [zhong1shu1], n., (lit.) the “axis” of power--the highest council of state; 樞神經 central nervous system.
75. [zhong1shu4], n., (math.) the median number.
76. 書省 [zhong1shu1sheng3], n., (Tarng Dyn.) cabinet of ministers.
77. 暑 *[zhong4shu3], n., sunstroke.
78. [zhong1shi4]1, n., (mil.) sergeant.
79. [zhong1shi4]2, n., see [zhong1gu3]↑.
80. [zhong1shi4]3, (1) adj., Chin. style; (2) (*[zhong4shi4]) v.i., formerly, to pass civil examinations.
81. [zhong1xUe2], n., high school.
82. [zhong1xUn2], n., the middle ten days of a month.
83. 使 [zhong1shi3], n., palace petty officer, eunuch.
84. [zhong1tang2], n., a wide scroll hung in center of hall.
85. 聽 *[zhong4ting1], adj., agreeable to the ear, (words, advice) pleasing to listener.
86. [zhong1cai2], n., men of average quality or stature.
87. [zhong1can1], n., (1) midday lunch; (2) Chin. dinner.
88. [zhong1tu2], adv., midway.
89. [zhong1zi3], n., (phys.) neutron.
90. [zhong1wei4], n., (mil.) first lieutenant (少尉 second lieutenant).
91. 位數 [zhong1wei4shu4], n., (statistics) the median.
92. [zhong1wu3], n., midday.
93. [zhong1ya3], n., Central Asia.
94. [zhong1yang1], n. & adj., (1) the center; (2) central government; 央威信 prestige of the national government; 央情報局 Central Intelligence Agency (CIA); 央研究院 Academia Sinica.
95. [zhong1ye4]1, n., the middle of the night.
96. [zhong1ye4]2, n., middle period (of dyn., century, reign).
97. [zhong1yi1]1, n., underclothing.
98. [zhong1yi1]2, n., Chin. medicine; Chin. doctor.
99. 意 *[zhong4yi4], v.i., (person) takes fancy to (girl), likes: 意她或他 love her or him.
100. [zhong1yUan2]1, n., the fifteenth of the seventh lunar month.
101. [zhong1yUan2]2, n., the “central plains” of China, actually the Yellow River valley.
102. 用 *[zhong4yong4], adj., serviceable, convenient: 不用了 hopelessly ill.
103. [zhong1yong2], n., the Doctrine of the Golden Mean, name of a chapter in 禮記 and one of the Four Books in Confu. school.





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