

ㄉㄚˋ [da4 (re. pr *ㄉㄞˋ [dai4).
N.(1)  (Coll.) a penny: 不值一個 not worth a penny.
(2)  A surname.
Adj.(1)  Big, large, great: [da4ren2]↓;
路 highway, main road;
門 the gate;
樓 a tall building;
小小 the big and the small-all considered;
而無當 phr., big, impractical (plan), big and burdensome (“white elephant”).
(2)  The eldest (brother, uncle, aunt, cousin, etc.): 房 eldest branch of family;
senior of same rank: 姑(子)senior sister or wife;
舅(子)senior brother of wife;
(3)  (Oft. in address) honored, esteemed: 爺,老爺 [da4ye2], [da4lao3ye0]↓;
法官 Grand justice;
札 your gracious letter;
作 your great composition;
駕 your “carriage,”i. e., your arrival;
名 great reputation;
名山川 well-known mountains and rivers;
self-given appellation: 唐 the Great Tarng Empire;
清 the Great Ching (Manchu) Dyn.
(4)  Important: 人物 the V.I. P.S;
事 important occasion or event;
處著眼 pay attention to the important points.
Adv.(1)  Generally: 凡,概,抵,[da4fan2], [da4gai4], [da4di3], [da4zhi4]↓.
(2)  Further ahead or behind: 前天 two days before yesterday;
後天 two days after tomorrow;
前年 two years before last;
後年 two years after next;
後兒(個)next to next behind.
(3)  Greatly (angered, pleased, etc.): 謬 greatly mistaken;
不為然 greatly disapprove.
(4)  Completely: 晴 (the sky is) completely clear;
亮 it's day already.
(5)  Showily, pompously, oft. ……樣(模廝樣兒)in an open or showy manner;
擺 take big, swinging steps;
腳 spend extravagantly;
庭廣眾 in broad daylight, in front of everybody;
天白日 in broad daylight;
書特書 it is clearly written;
言不慚 to talk big;
言欺人 to exaggerate;
躍進 (phr.) great leap forward.
Words1. [da4bao3], n., (LL) the throne.
2. [da4bai4], v.i., formerly, (emperor) make person prime minister.
3. [da4ban1], n., compradore, Taipan.
4. 本營 [da4ben3ying2], n., general headquarters.
5. 便 [da4bian4], v.i., answer nature's call; to evacuate bowels.
6. [da4bi4], n., crime punishable by death.
7. [da4bi3], n., formerly, provincial civil service examinations.
8. 鼻子 [da4bi2zi0], n., (derog.) a Russian (“big-nosed”).
9. (1) [da4bo2], n., a wine cup: 浮一白 drink a cup (to celebrate); (2) ([da4bai2]) 真相白 the facts are clear now.
10. 不列顛 [da4bu4lie4dian1], n., Great Britain.
11. 不了 [da4bu0liao3], phr., 沒什麼不了的事情 it's nothing frightening, nothing to worry about.
12. [da4chang3], n., overcoat of old type.
13. [da4chang2], n., (physiol.) the colon.
14. [da4cheng2], n., great consummation; a compendium; 集成 composition which embodies contributions of previous scholars.
15. [da4qian1], n., (Budd.) a universe of many universes (千世界)
16. [da4chong2], n., (coll.) a tiger.
17. 咧咧 [da4da0lie1lie1], adv., haughtily.
18. 落落兒 [da4da0luo1luo1er0], adv., in dignified manner (also pr. [da4da0lu1lu1er0]).
19. [da4dan3], adj. & adv., with determination without fear or hesitation: 膽做去 do it without hesitation.
20. [da4dian3], n., an august ceremony.
21. [da4di3], adv., mostly.
22. [da4dou4], n., the soybean (also called 黃豆).
23. 動脈 [da4dong4mo4], n., the aorta.
24. [da4fang1], (1) n., experts, connoisseurs: 貽笑方 be laughed at by those who know; (2) adj., generous with money, not stingy; (3) (appear or walk) with proud bearing.
25. [da4fan2], adv., mostly, generally.
26. [da4fen4], n., (LL) person's destined years to live.
27. 夫 *[dai4fu1], n., a physician, doctor: 陳夫 Dr. Chen.
28. [da4fu4]1, n., (LL) the wife.
29. [da4fu4]2, n., (nautical) the mate.
30. [da4gai4], adv., in general, most probably.
31. [da4gang1], n., outline (of program, plan), the elements (of political science, etc.).
32. 褂(兒) [da4gua4er0], n., unlined long gown: 藍布褂 blue cotton gown.
33. [da4guan1], n., as in 洋洋觀 an impressive array (of exhibits, buildings, etc.).
34. [da4gui1], v.i., formerly, a divorced woman returns to her mother's home for good.
35. [da4gu4], n., parents’ funeral.
36. [da4gong1], adj., (1) impartial: 公無私; (2) n., impartiality; Catholicity.
37. 鼓書 [da4gu3shu1], n., monologue storytelling in rhythmic language, accompanied by a hand drum.
38. [da4hai3], n., (1) a widemouthed bowl or wine cup; (2) the sea.
39. [da4heng1], n., (coll.) (slightly derog.) a big merchant.
40. 花臉 [da4hua1lian3], n., (Chin. opera) a male role of dignified type.
41. [da4hua4], n., exaggeration: 說話 to exaggerate.
42. [da4huang2], n., (bot.) rhubarb; Rheum officinale.
43. [da4hui4], n., a conference, assembly meeting.
44. 丈夫 [da4zhang4fu1], n., (AC, LL) a gentleman, a man of character or real worth.
45. [da4jia1], n., (1) all, all people: 家唱 let's all sing together; (2) master of an art of craft; (3) 家閨秀 woman from a cultured family.
46. [da4jie3], v.i., see [da4bian4]↑.
47. [da4jie2], n., matter of honor, principles: 節無虧 firm in matters of honor (apart from personal weakness).
48. 靜脈 [da4jing4mo4], n., the great vein carrying blood of the body to the heart.
49. [da4ji3], n., (bot.) spurge; Euphorbia pekinensis.
50. 襟(兒) [da4jin1] ([da4jie1er0]), n., the right-hand flap of Chinese gown where it is buttoned.
51. 軸子 [da4zhou4zi0], n., (Chin. opera) the last act.
52. [da4zhuan4], n., Chinese script in time of Confucius, before 小篆 was introduced in Chirn 秦 Dyn.
53. [da4zhu4], n., (court.) your book.
54. [da4zhong4], n., (1) the people; (2) the masses: 眾文學 literature for the masses; 眾化 to popularize or simplify (writing); 眾傳播 mass communication; 眾傳播工具 mass media.
55. [da4zhi4], adv., on the whole (acceptable, etc.), with a few exceptions.
56. [da4ji2], n., great luck, fortune.
57. [da4jUe2], n., (Budd.) the great awakening.
58. [da4jU2], n., general situation.
59. [da4zhi3]1, n., general theme (of book, teaching).
60. [da4zhi3]2, n., the thumb (also called 拇指).
61. [da4kuai4], n., (1) the earth; (2) the universe.
62. [da4kui2], n., the champion in national examinations.
63. 老爺 [da4lao3ye0], n., formerly, address of city magistrate.
64. 剌剌的 [da4la4la4de1], adj. & adv., pompous, -ly.
65. [da4lian4], n., formal laying-in of body in coffin.
66. [da4liang4], adv., in great quantities, in volume: 量生產 mass production.
67. 禮服 [da4li3fu2], n., formal dress.
68. 理石 [da4li3shi2], n., marble.
69. [da4lu4], n., the mainland; continent: 陸礁層 continental shelf.
70. 落落 [da4luo4luo4], adj., impressive, pompous.
71. 羅天 [da4luo2tian1], n., the fairyland.
72. [da4lUe4], (1) adv., generally; (2) n., the gist of things; (3) 雄才略 (person's) great talent.
73. [da4mai4], n., barley.
74. [da4ma2], n., hemp; marijuana, Cannabis sativa.
75. 麻蠅 [da4ma2ying2], n., a large variety of flies feeding on refuse.
76. 帽子 [da4mao4zi0], n., a formal hat in Manchu Dyn.; pressure from some influential person.
77. [da4mian4], n., (Chin. opera) a male role, see [da4hua1lia3] ([er0])↑; 面皮兒 the surface, on the surface; 面兒上 ditto, also in public.
78. [da4mi3], n., rice.
79. [da4ming2], n., a great name, reputation; your name.
80. [da4nao3], n., cerebrum.
81. [da4nei4], n., imperial palace.
82. [da4ni4], phr., 逆不道 treason.
83. [da4pai2], n., (1) trump card; (2) popular (movie actress, doctor, etc.).
84. [da4ren3], n., (year of) bumper crops.
85. [da4ren2], n., (1) a grown-up person; (2) formerly, a mandarin; (3) a term of respect in addressing a judge or any high official;
86. 人物 [da4ren2wu4], n., great personage.
87. 撒巴掌兒 [da4sa1ba1zhang0er0], phr., to let things take their own course, leave a free hand.
88. [da4she4], n., general amnesty.
89. [da4sheng4], n., (Budd.) Mahayana doctrine or school, opp. 小乘 Hinayana.
90. 西洋 [da4xi1yang2], n., the Atlantic Ocean; 西洋憲章 The Atlantic Charter (1941).
91. [da4xiao3], n., size (of hat, shoes, etc.): 一般小 of the same size.
92. [da4xiang2], n., celebration when period of mourning for parents is over.
93. [da4xie3], n., capital (in spelling, printing).
94. [da4shuai4], n., commander in chief, also term of addressing military governors in Manchu Dyn.
95. [da4shu4], n., man's destiny, fate, esp. number of years to live.
96. [da4shi1], n., (1) the master, a term of respect among scholars; (2) a Budd. monk or abbot; 師傅 common address to a cook, also a monk.
97. [da4shi4], n., general trend of events, general situation.
98. [da4xUe2], n., (1) a university; (2) one of the Confucian Four Books, the “Great Learning.”
99. 熊座 [da4xiong2zuo4], n., the Great Bear constellation.
100. 使 [da4shi3], n., an ambassador; 使館 embassy.
101. [da4suan4], n., garlic.
102. [da4can1], n., dinner; 餐廳 dining hall.
103. [da4tui3], n., the thigh.
104. [da4tong2], n., as in 世界同 Confucius’ dream of a world commonwealth-a Utopia, opp. 小康 the well-organized human society.
105. [da4tong3], n., an emperor's rule, imperial house.
106. 自然 [da4zi4ran2], n., the world of Nature, natural phenomena.
107. [da4wo3], phr., the greater self, the spiritual self, opp. 小我 the material self.
108. 無畏 [da4wu2wei4], adj., fearless.
109. [da4ya3], n., beautiful form and culture: 不登雅之堂 unqualified to take its place in the higher circles; 無傷雅 unimportant defects.
110. [da4yang4], n., full-page proof (in typesetting).
111. [da4yang2], n., (1) the ocean; (2) a dollar: 洋千元 $1,000.
112. 洋洲 [da4yang2zhou1], n., Oceania.
113. [da4yao4], n., the important points, an outline of essentials.
114. [da4ye2], n., uncle; eldest among elders.
115. [da4yi1], n., overcoat.
116. [da4yi4]1 ([da4yi0]), (1) n., gist of thought, idea; (2) adj., careless: 不可意 don't be too sure or neglect to provide against the unexpected.
117. [da4yi4]2, n., (1) the principle of right and wrong: 深明義 know where one's loyalty belongs; (2) general idea.
118. 元帥 [da4yUan2shuai4], n., generalissimo.





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