释义 |
夥夥 | 687B30 41S.32-9 | 部居
| 畫數 14 | ㄏㄨㄛˇ [huo3] | N. | (1) Companion, co-worker: 店夥 shop employees; 夥伴,夥友 [huo3ban4], [huo3you3]↓. (2) Partner, -ship: 合夥,入夥 join partnership; 拆夥,散夥 dissolve partnership. (3) A crowd: 一大夥 a great number of people or things; 一小夥 a small group; 同夥 in partnership, together.
| Adj. | (LL) many: 甚夥 (of crowd, products, etc.) very many.
| Words | 1. 夥伴(兒) [huo3ban4] ([huo3ba4er0]), n., co-worker in shop (also wr. 火,伙). 2. 夥計 [huo3ji0] n., employee in shop, waiter (also wr. 伙,火). 3. 夥頤 [huo3yi2] adj., very many. 4. 夥友 [huo2you3] n., (a more polite form of [huo3ji0] ↑) fellow employees.