释义 |
壤壤 | 196B55 11A.02-6 | 部居
| 畫數 20 | ㄖㄤˇ [rang3] | N. | Loam, earth, soil: 土壤 soil; 壤地 territory; 平壤 level land; 沃壤 fertile land, rich soil; 天壤 heaven and earth: 天壤之別 an immeasurably vast difference; 接壤 with territory adjacent to one another, territorial propinquity.
| Adj. | (1) (AC interch. 穰) rich, plentiful, bounteous. (2) (AC interch. 攘) disorderly, in confusion.
| Words | 1. 壤土 [rang2tu3], n., loamy soil.