释义 |
墨墨 | 627A45 41.11 | 部居
 | 畫數 15 | ㄇㄛˋ [mo4] | N. | (1) Ink, ink cake: 繩墨 guideline; 中繩墨 following guidelines (of conduct). (2) Writing: 筆墨 a writer's art, style or skill; 筆墨有力 forceful writing. (3) A surname: 墨翟,墨子 Moh Dir, Mocius, or Motse, anc. philosopher of universal love; 墨家,墨子之徒 Mocian (-ist).
| Adj. | (1) Done in ink: 墨竹,墨蘭 bamboo, orchid painted in black and white. (2) Black, dark: 墨鏡 dark glasses, sunglasses; 墨晶 dark crystal; 墨絰 (AC) black linen mourning cloth; 墨詔 edict in black ink.
| Words | 1. 墨版 [mo4ban3], n., wood block for printing. 2. 墨寶 [mo4bao3], n., as in 敬求墨寶 request callig. scroll or handwriting for preservation. 3. 墨七 [mo4qi1], n., (dial.) a burglar. 4. 墨床 [mo4chuang2], n., case for ink sticks. 5. 墨斗 [mo4dou3], n., carpenter's ink box and line for printing guidelines. 6. 墨海 [mo4hai3], n., ink slab or bowl for grinding ink. 7. 墨盒 [mo4he2] ([mo4he2zi0], [mo4he2er0]), n., ink box, usu. made of copper containing ink pad. 8. 墨壼 [mo4hu2], n., ink bottle. 9. 墨跡(跡,蹟) [mo4ji1], n., writer's handscript. 10. 墨家 [mo4jia1], n., Mocian (-ists), see N.3↑. 11. 墨汁 [mo4zhi1], n., prepared liquid ink (sold in bottles). 12. 墨客 [mo4ke4], n., usu. in 騷人墨客 writer, poet. 13. 墨吏 [mo4li4], n., (LL) corrupt official (from 貪墨=貪冒). 14. 墨綠 [mo4lu4], adj., dark yellowish green. 15. 墨瀋 [mo4shen3], n., luster of ink on paper: 墨瀋未乾 the ink is hardly dry (before the treaty is broken). 16. 墨戲 [mo4xi4], n., painting in a few strokes, of [wen2ren2] school (文人畫). 17. 墨刑 [mo4xing2], n., branding on forehead as punishment. 18. 墨守 [mo4shou3], v.t., guard (tradition) vigilantly, resist change: 墨守成規 follow stereotype routine. 19. 墨水 [mo4shui3], n., fluid ink: 肚子裡喝了不少墨水 (fig.) have read a great many books. 20. 墨硯 [mo4yan4], n., ink slab. 21. 墨油 [mo4you2], n., printing ink. 22. 墨魚 [mo4yU2], n., cuttlefish, (also called 烏賊 “black thief”).