释义 |
墜墜 | 538A40 32.11 | 部居
 | 畫數 15 | ㄓㄨㄟˋ [zhui4] | N. | ([zhui4zi0], [er0]) Pendant type of earring, see 墜子 [zhui4zi0]↓.
| V.i. | To fall, fall down: 墜馬 fall off horseback; 墜樓 fall down from top floor; 墜地 [zhui4di4]↓.
| Adj. | Fallen: 墜胎,墜典 [zhui4tai1], [zhui4dian3]↓.
| Words | 1. 墜典 [zhui4dian3], n., (LL) customs or institutions of olden times. 2. 墜地 [zhui4di4], v.i., (1) as in 呱呱墜地 child is born with a cry; (2) 文武之道,未墜於地 when the tradition of Kings Wern and Wuu had not yet fallen apart. 3. 墜肚 [zhui4du4], v.i., to have loose bowels. 4. 墜歡 [zhui4huan1], phr., (1) the pleasures of bygone days; (2) lost favor of lover: 墜歡重捨 revive old romance. 5. 墜緒 [zhui4xU4], n., lost tradition. 6. 墜胎 [zhui4tai1], v.i. & n., (have) miscarriage or abortion. 7. 墜體 [zhui4ti3], n., (phy.) a falling body. 8. 墜子 [zhui4zi0], n., (1) pendant earrings; (2) a form of folk entertainment, song and narrative recitation, with drum accompaniment.