释义 |
塌塌 | 202B05 11A.50-4 | 部居
 | 畫數 13 | ㄊㄚ [ta1] | V.i. | To collapse, sink or bend downward: 房子塌下去 house collapses; 倒塌,塌倒 ditto; 垂頭塌翼 downcast, dejected, head bent and wings drooping; see esp. 塌台 [ta1tai2]↓; 塌鼻子 a flat nose; 塌鼻梁 a nose with broken bridge; 塌天大禍 a disaster like the heavens falling down.
| Words | 1. 塌架 [ta1jia4], v.i., collapse (of house, affairs; 架=scaffolding). 2. 塌中 [ta1zhong1], v.i., (of opera singer) voice breaks from insufficient breath. 3. 塌颯 [ta1sa4], v.i., feel frustrated. 4. 塌陷 [ta1xian4], v.i., collapse, give way (pavement, bridge, etc.). 5. 塌實 [ta1shi0], adj., at ease: 我心裡不塌實 do not feel at ease; 塌實著說 to tell the truth, to be quite honest. 6. 塌台 [ta1tai2], v.i. & t., ruin or spoil a show, undermine a build-up: 請不要塌我的台 please do not undermine what I am hoping to do. 7. 塌塌兒 [ta1ta0er0], n., (Manchu) a small house. 8. 塌秧兒 [ta1yang1er0] v.i., droop (of grass); (fig.) feel crestfallen.