释义 |
報報 | 213B45 11S.82-5 | 部居
 | 畫數 12 | ㄅㄠˋ [bao4] | N. | (1) Periodical, newspaper, news bulletin: 日報 daily; 晚報 evening paper; 畫報 pictorial magazine; 週報 weekly; 小報 tabloid paper. (2) Any kind of report: 情報 intelligence (bureau, department); 邸報 special newsletter from capital, official bulletin; 戰報 war bulletin; 報告 [bao4gao4]↓. (3) (Budd.) retribution, God's reward and punishment (果報 41.01): 善有善報,惡有惡報 there is (heavenly) justice in this world; 現報 retribution before our eyes.
| V. i. & t. | (1) To report: 報名 register (for school, organization); 報到 report arrival; 報信 report news; 報喪 obituary; 報喜 announce happy news, such as birth of child; 報稅,報關 pay tax, pay customs duties; 報苦窮兒 (of well-to-do people) pretend poverty, make such (false) complaints; 報功 report achievement (victory, etc.) to claim credit; 報警 report to the police, report emergency crisis. (2) To show vengeance or gratitude: 報(私)仇 revenge for (private) grudge; 報仇雪恨 revenge and wipe out standing grudge (against s.o.); 無以為報 do not know how to compensate (person) for help; 報父母養育之恩 make oneself worthy of parents’ care and upbringing; 報德 recompense for kindness; 報謝 [bao4xie4]↓; 報國 serve the country worthily; often 報答 [bao4da2]↓.
| Words | 1. 報案 [bao4an4], v.i., register complaints at court; submit official report on case. 2. 報罷 [bao4ba4], v.i., (1) fail in civil examinations; (2) be rejected (of minister's suggestion to emperor). 3. 報差 [bao4chai1], n. delivery boy of newspapers. 4. 報償 [bao4chang2], n. & v.t., monetary reward; make amends for deficit. 5. 報酬 [bao4chou2], n. & v.t., remunerate (-tion). 6. 報單 [bao4dan1], n., report, esp., customs declaration. 7. 報答 [bao4da2], n. & v. t., pay back debt of gratitude: 報答盛意. 8. 報導 [bao4dao4]1 (sp. pr. [bao4dao3]), n. & v. t., report, such as news, intelligence: 報導經過 report on what happened; 新聞報導 newspaper report. 9. 報到 [bao4dao4]2, v. i., report for duty. 10. 報端 [bao4duan1], n., the papers. 11. 報販 [bao4fan4], n., news dealer, esp. seller of papers on the streets. 12. 報廢 [bao4fei4], v. i., announce invalidated check in paper; be declared worthless (of person, old car): 這部車子報廢了. 13. 報復 [bao4fu4], n. & v. i., revenge; (MC) report (to person). 14. 報告 [bao4gao4], n. & v. i. & t., a report, to report, often preceding verbal communication to superior; 報告書 written report; 報告文學 [bao4gao4wen2xUe2], reportage. 15. 報館 [bao4guan3], n., newspaper office. 16. 報關行 [bao4guan1hang2], n., agent for clearing customs. 17. 報章 [bao4zhang1], n., newspapers in gen. 18. 報界 [bao4jie4], n., the press: 報界同仁 gentlemen of the press. 19. 報考 [bao4kao3], v. i., register for examinations. 20. 報馬 [bao4ma3], n., (MC) special messenger; intelligence man. 21. 報命 [bao4ming4], n., report on return from duty. 22. 報名 [bao4ming2], v. i., register for school, etc. 23. 報幕 [bao4mu4], n., screen or stage announcement concerning story, production, etc.: 報幕人 [bao4ren2], announcer. 24. 報盤兒的 [bao4pa2er0de1], n., employee of commercial firms charged with report on current prices. 25. 報屁股 [bao4pi4gu0], n., (coll.) supplement of newspaper; back page of papers. 26. 報聘 [bao4pin4], n. & v. i., (to) return visit of country representative to thank for earlier visit of another country's dignitary. 27. 報人 [bao4ren2], n., member of the press (editor, etc.). 28. 報賽 [bao4sai4], n., festival celebrating good crops, also called 報歲 [bao4sui4]. 29. 報曉 [bao4xiao3], n. & v. i., cry cock-a-doodle-doo (“announce dawn”). 30. 報銷 [bao4xiao1], n. & v. i., (make) financial report; register loss (of article). 31. 報效 [bao4xiao4], n. & v.i., (render) service in gratitude, more esp. monetary gift for official favors. 32. 報謝 [bao4xie4], v. i. & t., to pay debt of gratitude. 33. 報歲 [bao4sui4], n., see [bao4sai4]↑. 34. 報頭 [bao4tou2], n., column giving publisher's name, address, etc. in newspaper. 35. 報子 [bao4zi0], n., wall posters, esp. announcement of theatrical performances. 36. 報務 [bao4wu4], n., affairs concerning the press, esp. telegraph. 37. 報業 [bao4ye4], n., the press as a profession. 38. 報應 [bao4ying4], n., retribution. 39. 報怨 [bao4yUan4], n. & v. i., vengeance, revenge.