释义 |
堂堂 | 355A00 22.11 | 部居
 | 畫數 11 | ㄊㄤˊ [tang2] | N. adjunct. | A session: 這一堂課 this class (session); 上一堂課 the last class, go to a class (上 used as a v.t.); a set: 一堂瓷器,木俱 a table set of porcelain, a set of furniture.
| N. | (1) Hall, main hall: 廳堂 hall; 教堂 church building; 講堂 lecture hall; 課堂 classroom; 佛堂 Buddhist temple; 祠堂 ancestral, temple; 禮堂 assembly hall; 澡堂 浴堂 bathhouse; 登堂入室 degrees of understanding of master's teachings (堂 guest room; 室 bedroom as more intimate in degree); 堂屋,堂廡 [tang2wu1], [tang2wu3]↓. (2) Hall as symbol of main houses in family system: 父母在堂 parents living; 拜堂 bride and groom perform wedding ceremony in the hall; 五代同堂 five generations living together; 糟糠之妻不下堂 a wife who shared poverty may not be divorced in times of comfort; 令堂 (court.) your mother; 堂兄弟, see Adj↓. (3) Courtroom: 過堂 have a hearing of the case; 公堂 the court; 對簿公堂 confrontation of evidence at court; 升堂,退堂 open, close court session; 鼓堂 drum beaten for opening, closing court session; 打退堂鼓 (fig.) beat a hasty retreat, withdraw from dispute, signal that situation has drastically changed; 堂諭 court order. (4) In Tarng Dyn. the six ministers, and prime minister: 中堂 (MC) formerly, the prime minister; 堂印 prime minister's seal; 堂案,堂判 prime minister's communications on cases; 堂食,堂餐 meals of the cabinet. (5) Guildhall; title of theatrical clubs or troupes; title of “tongs” in Chinatown.
| Adj. | (1) Open, dignified: 堂堂,堂皇 [tang2tang2], [tang2huang2]↓. (2) Of same clan: 堂兄弟,堂姊妹 cousins of same paternal grandfather; 堂的 opp. 表的 cousins on mother's side; 堂族 members of same clan.
| Words | 1. 堂坳 [tang2ao1], n., damp, low grounds. 2. 堂奧 [tang2ao4], n., deep, hidden recesses; depths (of teaching). 3. 堂布 [tang2bu4], n., wipe cloth. 4. 堂構 [tang2gou4], phr., (AC allu.) son succeeding to father's profession. 5. 堂官 [tang2guan1] ([tang2guan0])1, n., formerly, magistrates and superior officials; (Tarng Dyn.) cabinet ministers. 6. 堂倌 [tang2guan1] ([tang2guan0])2, n., restaurant waiter. 7. 堂花 [tang2hua1], n., flower forced by heat to blossom early. 8. 堂皇 [tang2huang2], n., stately, impressive: 堂哉皇哉 ditto; 冠冕堂皇 impressive looking. 9. 堂會 [tang2hui4], n., communal gathering for celebration. 10. 堂客 [tang2ke0], n., lady guests. 11. 堂名 [tang2ming2], n., clan name, usu. named after the clan hall; name of a branch of family when separate hall has been established. 12. 堂上 [tang2shang4], n., parents; formerly, form of address to magistrates or judges. 13. 堂堂 [tang2tang2], adj., open, dignified: 堂堂大丈夫 a dignified gentleman; 堂堂正正 open, fair-minded, dignified. 14. 堂頭 [tang2tou2], n., abbot: (coll.) 堂頭和尚 usu. called 方丈 [fang1zhang4]. 15. 堂子 [tang2zi0], n., (Shanghai dial.) brothels, courtesans; (Manchu Dyn.) palace temples. 16. 堂屋 [tang2wu1], n., main hall of building. 17. 堂廡 [tang2wu3], n., buildings and rooms surrounding main hall or temple.