释义 |
執執 | 210C10 11S.70-9 | 部居
 | 畫數 11 | ㄓˊ [zhi2] | N. | 父執 father's friends.
| V.t. | (1) To hold in hand: 執筆,執 (教) 鞭 [zhi2bi3], [zhi2bian1]↓; 執馬鞭 hold a whip; 執手 hold hands; 執手同行 walking together, hand in hand; 執手為禮 shake hands (=握手); 執牛耳 (AC) “hold the ears of the cow” to be slaughtered in sacrifice during conclusion of treaty--a privilege of the head of the alliance; hence to be the acknowledged leader (in business, industry, etc.); 執其兩端 “hold both ends”--examine opposing views; 執干戈衛社稷 take up arms to defend the state; 捕執 to arrest. (2) To keep: 執中,允執厥中 (AC, LL) keep to the center, or golden mean, unbiased; 執兩用中 (LL) listen to both sides and choose the middle course. (3) To carry out, to execute (laws, regulations): 執行 [zhi2xing2]↓; 執法,執政 [zhi2fa3], [zhi2zheng4]↓; 執炊 attend to the kitchen; 執獄 act as judge. (4) To persist: 執迷不悟 persist in error; 執一 hold on to one course, not give up or deviate; 固執己見 persist in one's opinion; 執意 [zhi2yi4]↓.
| Adj. | Stubborn: 固執 stubborn; 執意,執拗,執著 [zhi2yi4], [zhi2ao4], [zhi2zhuo2]↓; 偏執 (a) adj., biassed, (b) v.t., insist on (one's opinion).
| Words | 1. 執拗 [zhi2ao4], adj., stubborn, headstrong. 2. 執鞭 [zhi2bian1], phr., (1) to be carriage driver (“hold the whip”); (2) to be teacher: 執教鞭 (“hold the rod”). 3. 執筆 [zhi2bi3], v.i., to draft public statement, to take down minutes of conference (by one skilled in the use of the pen). 4. 執法 [zhi2fa3], v.i., to execute the law; to execute person. 5. 執紼 [zhi2fu2], v.i., to hold a staff wrapped in white paper in the funeral procession. 6. 執掌 [zhi2zhang3], n., duties, functions (of an official); n., v.t., to administer (government, education, secretariat, etc.). 7. 執照 [zhi2zhao4] ([zhi2zhao0]), n., a license (for driver, tradesman, etc.). 8. 執政 [zhi2zheng4], (1) n., head of government; (2) v.i., to head the government. 9. 執教 [zhi2jiao4], v.i., to teach (at certain school). 10. 執著 [zhi2zhuo2], v.i., (Budd.) to persist in error. 11. 執柯 [zhi2ke1], phr., (AC) to be matchmaker. 12. 執禮 [zhi2li3], v.i., to observe the formalities (of wedding, masterpupil relationship, etc.). 13. 執行 [zhi2xing2], v.t., to execute (law, resolutions); 執行委員會 executive committee. 14. 執事 [zhi2shi4], n., (1) (LL) one on the staff of organization; (2) formerly, court. address like 先生,兄台 in letters; (3) ([zhi2shi0]) paraphernalia of a funeral procession. 15. 執業 [zhi2ye4], (1) n., profession; (2) v.i., to be student (受業) of a master. 16. 執意 [zhi2yi4], v.i., insist on doing s.t. 17. 執友 [zhi2you3], n., friends of the same circle.