释义 |
埋埋 | 197B00 11A.11-4 | 部居
 | 畫數 10 | ㄇㄞˊ [mai2] | V.t. | Bury: 埋葬 [mai2zang4]↓; 埋香,埋玉 bury a beautiful woman; (fig.) conceal: 埋名 “bury” one's name (live unknown) in some obscure place; 埋沒 “bury” one's talent, see 埋沒,埋伏 [mai2mo4], [mai2fu0]↓; 埋憂 “bury” one's sorrow by some distraction.
| Words | 1. 埋伏 [mai2fu0], n. & v.i. & t., (to) ambush; keep under cover. 2. 埋根 [mai2gen1], v.i., prepare the ground for future action. 3. 埋蠱 [mai2gu3]1, v.i., to bury figurine or charm under victim's bed--a form of witchery. 4. 埋骨 [mai2gu3]2, v.i., to die: 埋骨沙場,異域 to die on the battlefield, in foreign country. 5. 埋沒 [mai2mo4], v.t., to bury; (fig.) fail to bring to public notice: 埋沒好漢 let a good man pass unnoticed. 6. 埋頭 [mai2tou2], v.i., to work intensely: 埋頭苦幹,埋頭讀書. 7. 埋藏 [mai2cang2], v.t., to bury (object), hide away. 8. 埋葬 [mai2zang4], v.t., to bury. 9. 埋怨 [mai2yUan0], v.i. & t., conceive grudge against person; put blame on (person).