释义 |
地地 | 203B00 11A.70-2 | 部居
 | 畫數 6 | ㄉㄧˋ [di4] | Part. | ([de0]) Particle: 忽地 suddenly; 特地 specially; a modern substitute for 的, equiv. to Eng. “-ly,” affected by some writers: 偷偷地 stealthily; 慢慢地 slowly; 不聲不響地 (in place of 的) silently.
| N. | (1) The Earth: 天地 heaven and earth; 地球 the earth. (2) Ground, land: 地上,地下 on the ground, underground; 田地 field; 空地 vacant land; 耕地,荒地 cultivated, uncultivated land; 草地 lawn, pasture land; 不毛之地 land which does not grow anything; 地皮 land, real estate; 土地 land (in real estate value). (3) Place, locality, territory: 地帶,地區 district; 殖民地 colony; 佔領地 occupied territory; 此地 here, this place. (4) Situation, position: 地位 situation; 易地則皆然 change places and everybody would act in the same way. (5) Base: 見地 point of view; 心地 heart, disposition (broad, narrow, selfish, etc.); 白地黑字 black letters on white, put down in black and white.
| Words | 1. 地板 [di4ban3], n., wooden floor. 2. 地保 [di4bao3], n., local constable, responsible for law and order among residents of locality. 3. 地柏 [di4bo2], n., (bot.) plant of cypress family, Selaginella kraussiana. 4. 地步 [di4bu4], n., (1) situation; (2) free space, esp. room for movement or retreat: 留地步 leave (s.o.) room for staying on or retreat. 5. 地產 [di4chan3] n., real estate: 地產生意 real estate business. 6. 地錢 [di4qian2], n., (bot.) Marchantia polymorpha. 7. 地殼 [di4qiao4], n., (geol.) earthcrust. 8. 地契 [di4qi4], n., title deeds for land. 9. 地球 [di4qiu2], n., the earth; n., 地球儀 [di4qiu2yi2], n., globe model. 10. 地權 [di4qUan2], n., right to land, landownership: 平均地權 equalization of land rights, as advocated by Dr. sun Yat-sen. 11. 地膽 [di4dan3], n., (zoo.) an insect with bulging belly, Meloe coarctatus. 12. 地帶 [di4dai4], n., district, region. 13. 地道 [di4dao4], n., (1) tunnel, underground passage; n., (2) also pr. [di4dao0], adv., thoroughly, (=道地). 14. 地點 [di4dian3], n., locality (good, bad, convenient). 15. 地丁 [di4ding1], n., formerly, term denoting land tax and labor levy. 16. 地段 [di4duan4], n., district, region, section of city. 17. 地動 [di4dong4], n., earthquake (also 地震 [di4zhen4]↓). 18. 地方 [di4fang1], n. & adj., local, locality: 地方行政 local administration; 地方色彩 local color; 地方自治 local self-government; 地方時 local time; 地方法院 district court (pr. [di4fang0]) =地保 constable, see [di4bao3]↑. 19. 地膚 [di4fu1], n., (bot.) Kochia scoparia. 20. 地府 [di4fu3], n., Hades, nether-world. 21. 地根兒 [di4ge1er0], adv., at heart (unwilling, etc.), also wr. 底. 22. 地瓜 [di4gua1], n., potato (cf. Fr. pomme de terre). 23. 地棍 [di4gun4], n., local ruffian, see [di4pi3]↓. 24. 地花菜 [di4hua1cai4], n., (bot.) Patrinia palmata. 25. 地黃 [di4huang2], n., (bot.) Rehmannia lutea, whose root is used as Chin. medicine (also known as 熟地). 26. 地震 [di4zhen4], n., earthquake; 地震計 [di4zhen4ji4], seismograph. 27. 地基 [di4ji1], n., foundation (of building). 28. 地價稅 [di4jia4sui4], n., land tax. 29. 地窖 [di4jiao4], n., cellar, basement. 30. 地界 [di4jie4], n., boundary. 31. 地錦 [di4jin3], n., (bot.) a creeper plant, Quinaria tricuspidata. 32. 地軸 [di4zhou2], n., axis of earth's rotation. 33. 地中海 [di1zhong1hai3], n., the Mediterranean. 34. 地主 [di4zhu3], n., landlord: 盡地主之誼 exercise hospitality toward visitor. 35. 地支 [di4zhi1], n., the duodecimal cycle, beginning with 子,丑,寅,卯, cf. 天干 31.81, see Appendix A. 36. 地志(誌) [di4zhi4], n., district history (including geography, famous sons, historic sites). 37. 地質學 [di4zhi2xUe2], n., geology; 地質時代 geologic age, period. 38. 地址 [di4zhi3], n., address. 39. 地炕 [di4kang4], n., earthen bed heated from underneath in North China. 40. 地牢 [di4lao2], n., dungeon. 41. 地雷 [di4lei2], n., land mine. 42. 地力 [di4li4]1, n., land productivity. 43. 地利 [di4li4]2, n., (1) military advantage in terrain; (2) see 力 [di4li4]1↑. 44. 地栗 [di4li4]3, n., water chestnut. 45. 地理(學) [di4li3xUe2], n., geography. 46. 地龍 [di4long2], n., earthworm. 47. 地黴素 [di4mei2su4], n., terramycin. 48. 地面 [di4mian4], n., ground surface; area. 49. 地脈 [di4mo4], n., layout of strata in the land; underground rivers. 50. 地盤 [di4pan2], n., surrounding land of building; region marked out as operating ground for bandits, warlords. 51. 地痞 [di4pi3], n., “scars of the land”--local ruffians who prey on the residents. 52. 地皮 [di4pi2], n., land regarded as estate. 53. 地平面 [di4ping2mian4], n., horizontal plane; 地平線 [di4ping2xian4], horizon. 54. 地舖 [di4pu4], n., bed space on the floor. 55. 地熱 [di4re4], n., subterranean heat. 56. 地上莖 [di4shang4jing1], n., (bot.) aerial stem of plant. 57. 地下 [di4xia4], adj. & n., underground (train, organization, work); 地下莖 [di4xia4jing1], subterranean stem of plant; 地下水 [di4xia4shui3], ground water; 地下組織 underground organisation. 58. 地線 [di4xian4], n., ground wire. 59. 地峽 [di4xia2], n., isthmus. 60. 地心 [di4xin1], n., center of earth; 地心吸力 [di4xin1xi4li4], gravitation of the earth. 61. 地形 [di4xing2], n., topography. 62. 地勢 [di4shi4], n., topography, layout of land. 63. 地史學 [di4shi3xUe2], n., historical geology. 64. 地毯 [di4tan3], n., carpet. 65. 地攤(兒) [di4tan1] ([di4ta1er0]), n., from 擺地攤 sell articles displayed on side walk floor. 66. 地頭 [di4tou2], n., place, locality: 地頭鬼 local ruffians who operate with outside gang; 地頭蛇 local gangsters who feed on population. 67. 地蠶 [di4can2], n., (bot.) Chin. artichoke, Stachys sieboidi; 地蠶蛾 [di4can2e2], (zoo.) insect pest on beans, Mamestra brassicae. 68. 地層 [di4ceng2], n., geologic strata. 69. 地磁 [di4ci2], n., terrestrial magnetism. 70. 地圖 [di4tu2], n., map. 71. 地位 [di4wei4], n., social position. 72. 地衣 [di4yi1], n., lichens. 73. 地窨子 [di4yin4zi0], n., cellar, basement. 74. 地域 [di4yU4]1, n., territory. 75. 地獄 [di4yU4]2, n., hell. 76. 地榆 [di4yU2]1, n., the garden burnet, Sanguisorba offinalis. 77. 地輿 [di4yU2]2, n., (LL) geography.