释义 |
圖圖 | 638A50 41.41-4 | 部居
 | 畫數 14 | ㄊㄨˊ [tu2] . [Var. of ] | N. | (1) A picture, map, illustration, any kind of drawing: 地圖 map; 插圖 illustrations for book, article; 畫圖 drawing; 統計圖(圖表) statistical chart; 藍圖 blueprint; 剖面圖 a cross section, sectional plan; 圖窮而匕首見 (allu.) the dagger is out after pretended friendship. (2) Script of prophecy: see 河 圖 63A.00; 圖讖,圖籙 [tu2chen4], [tu2lu4]↓. (3) Plan: 圖謀 [tu2mou2]↓; 企圖 plan for some enterprise; 遠圖 long plans, ambitions.
| V.i. & t. | To plan, to try to; to hope for: 希圖 hope to (of ambitious plans); 希圖倖免 hope for lucky escape from s.t. undesirable; strive for: 圖名,圖利 strive for fame, wealth; 有利可圖 there's profit to be made, worth striving for; 圖財害命 phr., murder for money; 別有所圖 have other aims, plans; 貪圖 crave for s.t. beyond one's deserves; 圖飽私囊 try to enrich oneself (from public services); 圖吞公款 try to embezzle; 發奮圖強 determine to make country strong; 圖報 hope to repay kindnesses.
| Words | 1. 圖案 [tu2an4], n., a sketch, design, plan (of construction, etc.); blueprint. 2. 圖板 [tu2ban3], n., printing plates, also wr. 圖版. 3. 圖表 [tu2biao3], n., illustrations and charts. 4. 圖讖 [tu2chen4], n., book of prophecy, esp. regarding dynastic fortunes. 5. 圖釘 [tu2ding1], n., thumbtacks. 6. 圖畫 [tu2hua4], n. & v.t., painting, drawing; to draw, to paint (picture). 7. 圖章 [tu2zhang1]([tu2zhang0]), n., stamp, personal seal. 8. 圖解 [tu2jie3], n., illustrated manual, analytical table or chart. 9. 圖記 [tu2ji4], n., seal, stamp, an official chop. 10. 圖籍 [tu2ji2], n., maps of territory and population, land charts and census registers. 11. 圖賴 [tu2lai4], v.i. & t., try to dishonor obligations, disown responsibility or to cheat or libel. 12. 圖利 [tu2li4], v.i., try to make profits, gains. 13. 圖籙 [tu2lu4], n., see [tu2chen4]↑. 14. 圖謀 [tu2mou2], v.i. & t., to plan (usu. s.t. sinister), to conspire: 圖謀不軌 plan rebellion or lawless acts. 15. 圖形 [tu2xing2], n., portrait work; geometric contour. 16. 圖書 [tu2shu1], n., books in gen.; 圖書館 library; ([tu2shu0]) personal seal. 17. 圖說 [tu2shuo1], n., illustrated manual or primer, charts with explanatory notes. 18. 圖騰 [tu2teng2], n., (translit.) totem. 19. 圖樣 [tu2yang4], n., a sketch, design of construction; drawings in gen.