释义 |
困困 | 633C35 41.41-1 | 部居
 | 畫數 7 | ㄎㄨㄣˋ [kun4] | V.t. | To surround: 被困 be surrounded (by enemy); 困於酒色 addicted to drink and sex, steeped in wine and surrounded by women; 坐困愁城 wallow in slough of despond; 困擾 perplex.
| Adj. & adv. | (1) Hard pressed, hard up, in straits: 窮困 hard up; see many compp.↓. (2) Tired, exhausted: 他困了 (vern.) he is tired. (3) Sleepy (also wr. 睏): 困了就去睡 go to bed when you are tired; 困倦 [kun4jUan4]↓.
| Words | 1. 困窮 [kun4qiong2], adj., impoverished, in difficult circumstances. 2. 困頓 [kun4dun4], adj., tired, exhausted; frustrated. 3. 困阨 [kun4e4], adj., in difficult straits. 4. 困乏 [kun4fa2], adj., tired, exhausted; in difficult position. 5. 困惑 [kun4huo4], n., difficulty, difficult problem, situation; perplexity. 6. 困覺 [kun4jiao4], v.i., go to sleep. 7. 困倦 [kun4jUan4], adj., tired, weary, fatigued. 8. 困窘 [kun4jiong3], adj., in distress. 9. 困苦 [kun4ku3], adj. & n., difficult, -y, hardship, suffering: 困苦難堪 suffering unbearable hardships. 10. 困惱 [kun4nao3], adj. & n., vexed, -xation, confused, -sion. 11. 困難 [kun4nan2], adj. & n., difficulty: 有甚麼困難 what the difficulty? 事情很困難 the thing is very difficult.