释义 |
囉囉 | 582B40 40A.11-4 | 部居
 | 畫數 22 | ㄌㄨㄛˊ [luo2] (*[luo0] ). | Fin. part. | (*[luo1]) A slightly arrumentative final particle: 你不聽我的話,聽他的囉 your do not listen to me, but to him; 有的看囉 wait and see, something is coming up.
| N. | See 嘍囉 40A.93.
| Words | 1. 囉唆 [luo1suo0], adj., (1) garrulous, talkative; (2) bothersome (also wr. 囉嗦, same word as 嚕囌): 囉哩囉唆 [luo2li3luo1suo0]; 囉囉唆唆 [luo2luo2suo0suo1], ditto. 2. 囉 [luo2zao4], v.i., twaddle, noisy useless talk.