释义 |
嘉嘉 | 176B00 11.40 | 部居
 | 畫數 14 | ㄐㄧㄚ [jia1] . [Cf.佳 91A.11] | N. | (AC) blessing.
| V.t. | Commend, admire, approve, laud: 嘉獎 [jia1jiang3], 嘉納 [jia1na4], 嘉許 [jia1xU3], 嘉勉 [jia1mian3]↓; 可嘉 deserve commendation.
| Adj. | Good, blessed, auspicious: 嘉會 auspicious occasion; 嘉年華會 (translit.) carnival: 嘉禮 [jia1li3]↓; 嘉名 good name, reputation; 嘉言懿行 wise words and exemplary conduct.
| Words | 1. 嘉賓 [jia1bin1], n., highly welcome guests. 2. 嘉穀 [jia1gu3], n., (euphem.) paddy rice. 3. 嘉禾 [jia1he2], n., (euphem.) an ear of growing grain; 嘉禾章 formerly, a government decoration. 4. 嘉惠 [jia1hui4], v.t., to benefit: 嘉惠後學,嘉惠士林 benefit young students, the scholars. 5. 嘉獎 [jia1jiang3], v.t., to praise or reward (s.o.) by superiors. 6. 嘉重 [jia1zhong4], v.t., look upon with favor, commend highly. 7. 嘉貺 [jia1kuang4], n., (court.) highly valued gifts. 8. 嘉禮 [jia1li3], n., wedding, marriage ceremony. 9. 嘉勉 [jia1mian3], v.t., urge (s.o.) to greater efforts with words of encouragement. 10. 嘉謨 [jia1mo2], n., sage counsel, also [jia1you2]↓. 11. 嘉納 [jia1na4], v.t., accept (views, suggestions, advice). 12. 嘉釀 [jia1niang4], n., vintage or quality wine. 13. 嘉耦 [jia1ou3]1, n., a happily married couple. 14. 嘉偶 [jia1ou3]2, n., ditto. 15. 嘉尚 [jia1shang4], v.t. & adj., commend (able), praise (worthy). 16. 嘉羞 [jia1xiu1], n., (food) delicacies. 17. 嘉許 [jia1xU3], v.t., show appreciation for, be pleased with, praise by superior. 18. 嘉歲 [jia1sui4], n., year of bumper harvest. 19. 嘉餚 [jia1yao2], n., choice food, dainty dishes. 20. 嘉猷 [jia1you2], n., see [jia1mo2]↑.