释义 |
嗓嗓 | 579B50 40A.01-3 | 部居
 | 畫數 13 | ㄙㄤˇ [sang3] | N. | The throat, the larynx: 嗓子 [sang3zi0]; 嗓門兒 [sang3merer0]; 嗓兒 [sang3er0]↓.
| Words | 1. 嗓兒 [sang3er0], n., (1) the throat; (2) vioce, quality of voice in singer: 調嗓兒 (Chin. opera) voice practice, usu. in open spaces in the early morning; see [sang3zi0]↓. 2. 嗓門兒 [sang3merer0], n., the larynx; one's voice. 3. 嗓子 [sang3zi0], n., condition of throat, quality of voice in singer. 4. 嗓音 [sang3yin1], n., the human voice.