释义 |
啦啦 | 585C05 40A.30-1 | 部居
| 畫數 11 | ㄌㄚ [la1] | Fin. part. | Particle of assertion, usu. drawn out, like laaaaa! more emphatic than the unaccented 了: 自然啦 of course, it's only natural; 不必啦 no more fuss about it; 不見得啦 not necessarily so. 得啦 don't bother about it any more; 好啦 let it be so, that will do; 何必啦 why bother about it? 算啦 forget about it; 未必啦 it may not be so.
| Adj. | Descriptive of certain sounds, such as yelling, gabbling, chattering: 啦啦隊 [la1la1dui4]↓; 哇啦哇啦 [wa1la1wa1la1], a hubbub of voices.
| Words | 1. 啦啦隊 [la1la1dui4], n., cheering squad, rooters: 啦啦隊長 n., a cheer leader.