

ㄑㄧˇ [qi3. [Var. ; pop.]

ㄑㄧˇ [qi3. [Var. ; pop.]

ㄑㄧˇ [qi3. [Var. ; pop.]
N.A letter: 書.
v.i & t.(1)  To open, open up: 開開 to open;
窗 open window;
顏 face opens up in smiles;
to open letter: 親 “personal letter” marked “personal”;
,勛 (marking on envelope) addressed to very important person;
to open up one's mind: 智,知 ditto;
振聾瞶 phr., (fig.) to open mind (“make the deaf hear and the dim-sighted see”);
迪,[qi3di2], [qi3fa1]↓.
(2)  To communicate by letter or notice: 敬者 (opening words of letter) wish to communicate;
上,謹 (court. end of letter after signature) by so-and-so;
(to superior, parent) I wish to communicate;
奏 to send memorial to emperor;
告 to communicate (in public notice) [qi3shi4]1↓.
Words1. [qi3bao4], v.i., to report (in offical report).
2. [qi3bi4], v.i., to open and close (as the seasons, doors, etc.).
3. [qi3chu3], n., (AC) a short rest.
4. [qi2chi3], v.i., (1) to open up in smile; (2) to say s.t. difficult: 難於齒 difficult to say it (requesting unusual favor, asking for loan).
5. [qi3di2], v.t., to open mind, esp. of the young, stimulate thinking.
6. [qi3fa1], v.t., see [qi3di2]↑.
7. [qi3feng1], v.i., to break seal; open sealed envelope.
8. [qi3zhi2], v.i., to wake from hiberation in spring.
9. [qi3meng2], v.t., to instruct very young (as in kindergarten and primary school), enlighten: 蒙時期 beginning of thinking, age of enlightenment; 蒙老師 teacher who gave instruction at one's childhood.
10. [qi3xing2], v.i., to start on journey.
11. [qi3shi4]1, n., a public notice.
12. [qi3shi4]2, v.t. & n., reveal, revelation; 示錄 Revelation of New Testment.
13. [qi3wo4], v.t., (AC) to advise the king.





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