释义 |
哩哩 | 582C00 40A.11-4 | 部居
 | 畫數 10 | ㄌㄧ [li1] | Fin. part. | Emphasizing assertion: 那哩!那哩! no, no, not at all! 謝謝您,我手裡還有哩 thank you, sir, I still have some, with me; 他還沒有來哩 he hasn't come yet.
| N. | A mile (dist. 公里 kilometer).
| Words | 1. 哩嚕 [li1lu1], v.i., to mumble; v.i., also 哩哩囉囉 [li1li1lu1lu1], v.i., to mumble away, talk endlessly.