释义 |
哨哨 | 591C35 40A.42-2 | 部居
| 畫數 10 | ㄕㄠˋ [shao4] | N. | (1) A patrol, sentinel: 放哨 set up sentinels along road for security; 哨兵,哨馬,哨船 [shao4bing1], [shao4ma3], [shao4chuan2]↓. (2) ([shao4zi0], [er0]) A whistle: 吹哨 blow whistle; 吹口哨 blow whistle with bare mouth.
| V.i. & t. | To whistle; (of birds) to twitter or sing.
| Adj. | whistling: 哨箭 a whistling arrow.
| Words | 1. 哨棒 [shao4bang4], n., a wooden truncheon, club. 2. 哨兵 [shao4bing1], n., a sentinel. 3. 哨船 [shao4chuan2], n., a patrol boat. 4. 哨馬 [shao4ma3], n., cavalry guard. 5. 哨探 [shao4tan4], n., army scout.