释义 |
哥哥 | 442B25 31.00 | 部居
 | 畫數 10 | ㄍㄜ [ge1] | N. | Elder brother: 哥哥 [ge1ge0]↓; 大哥 eldest brother; 哥子 [ge1zi0]↓.
| Words | 1. 哥哥 [ge1ge0], n., (vocative) (my) elder brother. 2. 哥兒 [ge1er0], n., (1) collective name for all brothers, (vocative) my elder brother, used among close friends: 幾個哥兒 several brothers or close friends; 哥兒倆 the two brothers; 哥兒們 the good fellows; a boy, usu. from a rich family: 公子哥兒 a playboy; 哥兒大爺 a dandy, a coxcomb. 3. 哥羅仿 [ge1luo2fang3], n., (translit.) chloroform. 4. 哥倫比亞 [ge1lun2bi2ya3], n., Columbia; 哥倫比亞大學 Columbia University. 5. 哥倫布 [ge1lun2bu4], n., Columbus. 6. 哥們兒 [ge1me0er0], n., (1) brothers: 老哥們兒 my good old brothers; 哥們兒倆 those two brothers; (2) (term of endearment) my dear brothers. 7. 哥子 [ge1zi0], n., (vocative) (my) elder brother.