释义 |
咕咕 | 587C10 40A.40-1 | 部居
| 畫數 8 | ㄍㄨ [gu1] | V.i. & t. | To mumble, mutter, chatter, whisper, murmur, rumble.
| Words | 1. 咕嘟 [gu1du1], (1) v.i., (of flowing water) murmur, bubble; (2) v.i., to pout one's lips or mouth in displeasure or anger: 咕嘟著嘴; (3) v.t., ([gu1du0]) bring to a boil: 把這鍋湯再咕嘟一會兒 please bring this pot of soup to a boil for a little longer. 2. 咕咚 [gu1dong1], (1) v.i., (make) a thumping sound; (2) v.t., ([gu1dong0]) attack with guns: 拿砲把城門咕咚開了 force open the city gate with artillery fire. 3. 咕唧 [gu1ji0], v.i., murmur or mumble to oneself or each other: 他倆咕唧了半天 the couple were whispering to each other for quite a while; 他自己一個咕唧了好一會兒 he was mumbling to himself for a long time. 4. 咕嚕 [gu1lu0], v.i., (1) (of speech) mumble, talk tiresomely and indistinctly; (2) (of the stomach) make a rumbling sound: 餓得肚子裡咕嚕地響 be so hungry that the stomach is beginning to gurgle; (3) (of carts) to rumble. 5. 咕噥 [gu1nong0], v.i., to whisper, chatter. 6. 咕容 [gu1rong0], v.i., to walk with a sidle.