释义 |
和和 | 1179C30 90A.40-4 | 部居
![](Images/linyutang/Lexis/Lindict/Radical/rad_gif/rad30.gif) | 畫數 8 | ㄏㄜˊ [he2] (*ㄏㄨㄛˋ [huo4] , *[han0] , *ㄏㄨˊ [hu2] , *ㄏㄜˋ [he4] ; re. pr. *ㄏㄨㄛˊ [huo2] ). [Arch. , interch.龢] | N. | (1) A sum (of 2 and 15): 總和 total, grand total. (2) Name for Japan, Japanese: 和文 Japanese language; 和裝 Japanese costume; 漢和字典 Chinese-Japanese dictionary. (3) Peace: 戰爭與和平 war and peace: 講和,媾和 negotiate for peace; 和約 peace treaty; 和談,和議 peace negotiations. (4) (AC) a small reed organ. (5) (AC) carriage bell. (6) (*[hu2]) A game in mahjong, a shout signifying completion of a set. (7) A surname.
| V.i. & t. | (1) (*[huo4]) To mix, stir together, blend: 和麵,和弄 [huo4mian4], [huo4long4]↓; 和味 to blend flavors: 和泥兒 [huo4ni2er0]↓; 和羹 to blend into a soup, also (fig.) (LL) ministers who bring peace and unity to government. (2) (*[he4]) To “echo”: 和詩,和韻 to write a poem using same rhyme-words as the one written by another poet; 唱和 to write poems together (as litr. pastime), (of married couple) live in unison; 我唱你和 I sing and you join in; 一唱百和 response by crowd echoing the same idea; 隨聲附和 to follow the crowd. (3) (*[hu2]) (Shanghai dial.) to complete a set in mahjong: 他和了 he has completed set.
| Adj. | (1) Gentle of disposition, mild:溫和,和順 gentle, amiable; 和風 gentle breeze; 暖和 ([nuan3huo0]) pleasantly warm (weather). (2) Harmonious, peaceful, calm, friendly: 和顏悅色 amiable manner; 和衷共濟 (of different factions) pull together for common cause; 君子和而不同 “a gentleman gets along with others, but not necessarily agrees with them”; see many compp.↓; 鸞鳳和鳴 (fig.) of happily married couple; 和平主義 pacifism.
| Conj. | ([her; coll. *han0], *[hai2]) And: 我和他兩人 I and he, we two.
| Prep. | With: (= vern. 跟,同,LL 與): 我和你 (跟你,同你) 去 I'll come with you; 她和我 she and I; 和他 (跟他,同他) 說一聲 tell him, speak to him; 和衣而臥 sleep without undressing; 和盤托出 lay all the cards on the table, tell all.
| Words | 1. 和藹 [he2ai3], adj., peaceable, amiable, kindly (disposition, person). 2. 和暢 [he2chang4], adj., gentle, relaxing (air, climate). 3. 和氣 [he2qi4], adj., placid, friendly, not given to disputes: 和和氣氣討論 let's discuss it calmly; 和氣生財 friendliness is conducive to business success. 4. 和親 [he2qin1], v.i., (LL) (1) to be friendly with neighbors; (2) to cement friendly relationship with another country by a political marriage. 5. 和服 [he2fu2], n., Japanese dress. 6. 和好 [he2hao3], adj., friendly: 和好如初 become reconciled. 7. 和合 [he2he2], adj., as in 夫婦和合 husband and wife live happily together (also 好合). 8. 和緩 [he2huan3], v.i. & adj., to conciliate, be conciliatory: 和緩之計 a strategy to play for time by conceding a little. 9. 和姦 [he2jian1], n. & v.i., adultery by consent. 10. 和解 [he2jie3], v.i. & t., to reconcile (disputes), esp. settle out of court; be reconciled: 已經和解了. 11. 和局 [he2jU2], n., (1) (chess or ball game) a tie, a draw; (2) outlook for a peaceful settlement. 12. 和弄 *[huo4long0], v.i. &t., (1) to stir together; (2) to stir up: 這個亂子都是他和弄起來的 this mess was stirred up by him. 13. 和美 [he2mei3], adj., (1) soothing to the eye, harmonious; (2) friendly. 14. 和麵 *[huo4mian4], n., a kind of flour patties. 15. 和睦 [he2mu4], adj., friendly (relations between countries, brothers). 16. 和南 [he2nan2], v.i., (Budd.) to put palms together in greeting. 17. 和鬧 [he2nao4], v.i., (MC) join in noisy display. 18. 和泥兒 *[huo4ni2er0], v.i., (coll.) to mediate: 給雙方和泥兒 mediate between the two parties. 19. 和暖 [he2nuan3], adj., pleasantly warm (climate). 20. 和平 [he2ping2], n. & adj., (1) peace, -ful, tranquil, -ity; 和平工作團 Peace Corps; 和平共處 (共存) peaceful coexistence; (2) peaceable (temper). 21. 和善 [he2shan4], adj., kindly (disposition). 22. 和尚 [he2shang0] ([he2shang4]), n., a monk (also a term of polite address); 和尚菜 (bot.) a plant, Adenocaulon bicolor. 23. 和聲 [he2sheng1], n., (mus.) harmony; 和聲學 the science of harmony. 24. 和絃 [he2xian2], n., chord. 25. 和協 [he2xie2]1, v.i., to appease, to work together. 26. 和諧 [he2xie2]2, adj., harmonious, friendly. 27. 和息 [he2](')[xi2], v.t., (MC) to reconcile, be reconciled. 28. 和數 [he2shu4], n., (math.) sum of two or more numbers (also shortened as 和 see N.1↑). 29. 和順 [he2shun4], adj., gentle (disposition, conduct), understanding, accommodating. 30. 和事老 (兒) [he2shi4lao3]([er0]), n., a person who often mediates troubles, mediator. 31. 和頭 [he2tou2], n., the front end of coffin. 32. 和菜 [he2cai4], n., fixed or set menu in restaurant. 33. 和音 [he2yin1], n., (mus.) a chord. 34. 和誘 [he2you4], v.t., (law) seduce person by gentle methods (opp. 略誘). 35. 和約 [he2yUe1], n., peace treaty.