释义 |
周周 | 697B25 42.42 | 部居
| 畫數 8 | ㄓㄡ [zhou1] | N. | (1) Name of dynasty (Wade: Chou Dyn.). (2) A surname. (3) Circumference: 周徑,周圍 [zhou1jing4], [zhou1wei2]↓. (4) A week (interch. 週); anniversary: 周年 [zhou1nian2]↓. (5) (Phys.) cycle: 千週 kilocycle; 兆周 megacycle; 周率, 周波 [zhou1lU4], [zhou1bo1]↓.
| V.t. | To help tide over (crisis): 周急 ditto; 周全,周濟 [zhou1qUan2], [zhou1ji4]2↓.
| Adj. & adv. | Complete, thorough: 周到,周至 [zhou1dao4], [zhou1zhi4] ↓; 周密,周詳 [zhou1mi4], [zhou1xiang2]↓, cf. 週 42.83↓.
| Words | 1. 周遍 [zhou1bian4], adj. & adv., (interch. 週) all around, all over a place, also prep., 周遍全球 all over the world. 2. 周邊 [zhou1bian1], n., (math.) perimeter. 3. 周髀 [zhou1bi4], n., an anc. work on astronomy and trigonometry, based on conception of the sky as a vault. 4. 周波 [zhou1bo1], n., (phys.) cycle. 5. 周親 [zhou1qin1], (AC) closest relatives. 6. 周全 [zhou1qUan2], v.t., to help others, esp. with money: 周全人家. 7. 周到 [zhou1dao0], adj., thorough and satisfactory (in service, hospitality). 8. 周回 [zhou1hui2], adv., around, back and forth. 9. 周章 [zhou1zhang1], adj., (1) around; (2) flurried (also wr. 輈張); (3) full of difficulties, see [zhou1zhe2]↓. 10. 周正 [zhou1zheng0], adj., properly in place: 帽子戴周正了 put hat on properly. 11. 周折 [zhou1zhe2], adj., (affair) difficult to deal with: 此事頗費周折 this matter is quite complex. 12. 周角 [zhou1jiao3], n., (math.) perigon. 13. 周浹 [zhou1jia2], (1) adj., very attentive (to guests); (2) adv., =周匝 [zhou1za1]↓. 14. 周忌 [zhou1ji4]1, n., first anniversary of person's death. 15. 周濟 [zhou1ji4]2, v.t., to help (person) in charity. 16. 周徑 [zhou1jing4], n., diameter. 17. 周轉 [zhou1zhuan0], v.i., to have cash available: 周轉不靈 not enough cash to answer needs. 18. 周桌 [zhou1zhuo1], v.i., to turn over table in anger. 19. 周至 [zhou1zhi4], adj., very attentive (to guests), providing for all needs. 20. 周流 [zhou1liu2], v.i., to circulate; to travel around. 21. 周率 [zhou1lU4], n., radio frequency. 22. 周密 [zhou1mi4], adj., see [zhou1zhi4]↑. 23. 周內 [zhou1na4], v.i., (AC) to weave a legalistic trap to condemn person (now commonly 深文周納). 24. 周年 [zhou1nian2], n., anniversary: 五周年紀念 fifth anniversary (usu. wr. 週年). 25. 周身 [zhou1shen1], n., adv., all over the body (ache, bruise). 26. 周詳 [zhou1xiang2], adj., detailed and complete (report, etc.). 27. 周旋 [zhou1xUan2], v.i., (1) to go back and forth; (2) make the social round of dinners; (3) (AC) to meet on battlefield (“chase back and forth”); (4) deal with person in complex or changing situation. 28. 周歲 [zhou1sui4], n., first anniversary of child (also wr. 週). 29. 周天 [zhou1tian1], n., (astron.) a complete circle of 360 degrees. 30. 周匝 [zhou1za1], adv., in one round. 31. 周遭 [zhou1zao1], adj. & adv., (LL) around. 32. 周圍 [zhou1wei2], n., (1) surroundings; (2) circumference. 33. 周延 [zhou1yan2], adj., the complete round. 34. 周易 [zhou1yi4], n., Book of Changes, one of the “Six Confucian Classics,” (also called 易經 [yi4jing1]).