释义 |
吸吸 | 603C00 40A.82-3 | 部居
| 畫數 7 | ㄒㄧ [xi1] | V.t. | (1) To draw in, attract, absorb: 吸收,吸引 [xi1shou1], [xi1yin3]↓; 吸入 draw in (new members); 吸出 drain or suck out; 呼吸 to breathe (exhale and inhale); 吸氣 draw in the air; 吸水 to draw water from well; 吸去雲魂 (of ghost) suck away s. o.’s soul; 吸了一點文明空氣 breathe the air of the modn. world. (2) To drink: 吸飲 to drink (wine, etc.); 一吸而盡 drink up in one swallow.
| Words | 1. 吸根 [xi1gen1], n., (bot.) sucking roots of parasitic plants. 2. 吸管 [xi1guan3], n., respiratory tract; bronchi; a sucking tube. 3. 吸力 [xi1li4], n., magnetic force; force of attraction. 4. 吸墨紙 [xi1mo4zhi3], n., blotting paper. 5. 吸盤 [xi1pan2], n., (zoo.) sucker (as in octopus). 6. 吸收 [xi1shou1], V.t., to absorb, take in (moisture, liquid, gas, shares, followers, new subscribers, new ideas, etc.); 吸收口 (zoo.) sucking organ, proboscis (in mosquitoes, etc.). 7. 吸濕性 [xi1shi1xing4], n., (phys.) hygroscopic power. 8. 吸鐵石 [xi1tie3shi2], n., a magnet (also called 磁石). 9. 吸煙 [xi1yan1], V.i., to smoke (cigarette, pipe). 10. 吸引 [xi1yin3], V.t., to attract (followers, etc.).