释义 |
合合 | 1089C05 81.40 | 部居
| 畫數 6 | ㄏㄜˊ [he2] (*ㄍㄜˇ [ge3] ). | N. | (1) A surname. (2) One round in fighting or tournament:戰數合 (回合) several close-in combats. (3) A matrimonial match: 天作之合 a match made in heaven. (4) (*[ge3]) One tenth of [sheng1] (升), a rice measure.
| V.i. & t. | (1) To close, shut: 一夜不曾合眼 never closed one's eyes all night; 合口 (of wound) to heal, close up. (2) Combine, join, meet, unite: 兩條合為一條 combine the two items; 聚合,會合,集合 to assemble, meet together; 合起來,合在一起 put (several items) together; 分合 divide and combine; 聯合 unite, combine; 貌合神離 friends or allies apparently only. (3) To agree, suit (purpose), match: 合得來 (the two) can get along together; 落落寡合 have few friends; 合他意思 please him, suit his idea; 合他脾胃 suit his taste; 合理,合意 [he2li3], [he2yi4]1; 苟合 (a) to work together against principles; (b) to commit adultery. (4) Sexual intercourse: 交合 ditto; 野合 illegal intercourse.
| Adj. & adv. | (1) Fitting and proper, suitable: 合當,合該 [he2dang1], [he2gai1]↓; 不合 should not (have done), also not proper; 於理不合 improper, unreasonable; 合法,合式 [he2fa3], [he2shi4]1↓; 合則留,不合則去 free to quit if conditions are not suitable; 合拍 in step. (2) Together, jointly: 合住,合吃 live, eat together; 合請,合送 jointly give a dinner, a present; 合唱 sing together, sing in chorus; 男女合唱 a mixed chorus. (3) The whole: 合葬 bury (couple, parents) in common grave; 合家,合府 the whole family; 合族 the whole clan.
| Words | 1. 合辦 [he2ban4], v.i. & t., jointly manage or own (business); v.i. & t., p.p., jointly managed. 2. 合抱 [he2bao4], phr., (of tree trunk) nearly a fathom in circumference (an “embrace” with outstretched arms). 3. 合璧 [he2bi4], n., (LL) a bilingual book in parallel paragraphs: 中英合璧 s.t. which is a combination of several pieces. 4. 合并 [he2bing4], v.t., combine into one (also wr. 合併); annex or absorb a country; 合併症 (med.) complication. 5. 合唱 [he2chang4], v.i., (sing) in chorus; n., a chorus. 6. 合成 [he2cheng2], v.t., (1) combine into (s.t.); v.t.,(2) (chem.) to form (by combining elements). 7. 合氣 [he2qi4], v.i., (dial.) to quarrel: 與婆婆合氣 quarrel with mother-in-law; (cf. 和氣 90A.40 with same sound but opp. meaning). 8. 合群 [he2qUn2], (1) v.i., live together as a group; (2) adj., gregarious. 9. 合當 [he2dang1], vb. aux., should: 合當如此 should be so (=該當). 10. 合度 [he2du4], adj., proper, of proper length or size. 11. 合法 [he2fa3], adj., legal, conforming to law: 不合法 illegal. 12. 合符字兒 [he2fu2ze4er0], n., (coll.) contract (=合同). 13. 合該 [he2gai1], vb. aux., conformably to (law, God's will): 合該釋放 should legally be freed; vb. 合該不死 it’s God's will he did not die. 14. 合格 [he2ge2], adj., qualified (for examination, contest): 不合格 disqualified. 15. 合股(兒)(子) [he2gu3]([er0])([zi0]), adj. & v.i., 合股 to form partnership 合股公司 joint-stock company. 16. 合乎 [he2hu1], adj., in accordance with: 合乎道理 according to reason. 17. 合歡 [he2huan1], (1) v.i., to meet and enjoy; (2) n., the mimosa, Albizzia julibrissin; 合家歡 family reunion. 18. 合會 [he2hui4], n., a kind of temporary mutual loan club, in which each member subscribes to a monthly sum of money, the sum going to the bidder of highest interest for that month, until all members have had their turns: 合會儲蓄公司 mutual loan and savings company. 19. 合昏 [he2hun1]1, n., (1) see -[huan1]2↑; (2) (MC) toward dusk or twilight. 20. 合婚 [he2hun1]2, v.i., formerly, a custom of exchanging horoscopes of boy and girl before formal betrothal (cf. 結婚 wedding, 訂婚 betrothal). 21. 合夥 [he2huo3], n. & v.i., partnership; go into partnership (cf. [he2gu3]↑). 22. 合掌 [he2zhang3], v.i., (Budd.) to close palms together in greeting or worship. 23. 合轍兒 [he2zhe2er0], v.i., (1) get into routine, take in its stride: 剛病好,還沒合轍兒哪 just got well and has not yet got into the routine; (2) (mus.) play in time and rhythm. 24. 合尖 [he2jian1], v.i., put in the final touch, as completing the top of pagoda (塔尖). 25. 合鏡 [he2jing4], phr., 合鏡重圓 (of husband and wife) reunite after separation. 26. 合巹 [he2jin3], v.i., to drink the nuptial cup. 27. 合金 [he2jin1], n., (chem.) alloy. 28. 合眾 [he2zhong4], adj., united; 美利堅合眾國 the United States of America; 合眾社 United Press International (UPI). 29. 合口 [he2kou3], adj., (1) agreeable in taste; adj., (2) v.i., (MC) to quarrel; adj., (of wounds) to heal. 30. 合力 [he2li4], (1) v.i., work together: 合力同心 work together in harmony; (2) n., (phys.) resultant force. 31. 合理 [he2li3], adj., reasonable: 這事情不合理 this thing is unreasonable; 合理化 to rationalize, -ation. 32. 合龍 [he2long2], phr., to complete work on river dam. 33. 合下 [he2xia4], adv., (MC) at that time (=modn. 當下). 34. 合式 [he2shi4]1, adj., suitable, of standard quality or style: 不合式 wrong in style or quality. 35. 合適 [he2shi4]2, adj., suitable. 36. 合十 [he2shi2]1, v.i., (Budd.) to put palms together. 37. 合時 [he2shi2]2, adj., fashionable, in vogue. 38. 合訊 [he2xUn4], v.i., to hold joint court trial. 39. 合算 [he2suan4], adj., reasonable in price: 不合算 not worth the cost. 40. 合同 [he2tong0], n., a contract. 41. 合奏 [he2zou4]1, v.i., (music) to play together (as orchestra). 42. 合作 [he2zuo4]2, v.i., to cooperate at a common project: 生產(消費)合作社 producers’ (consumers’) cooperative. 43. 合圍 [he2wei2], (1) v.i., surround (enemy, hunted animal); (2) adj., (of tree trunk) large in circumference for one to embrace with outstretched arms. 44. 合一 [he2yi1], v.i., to unite, become one. 45. 合意 [he2yi4]1, (1) adj., (of a proposal, draft, etc.) pleasing, acceptable; (2) 同心合意 with one heart and mind. 46. 合議 [he2yi4]2, n. & v.i., panel discussion; 合議庭 full court (law). 47. 合宜 [he2yi2], (1) adj., suitable, proper; (2) vb. aux., should.