释义 |
史史 | 1226A40 91.82 | 部居
 | 畫數 5 | ㄕˇ [shi3] | N. | (1) History: 歷史 ditto; 青史 history in sense of record for posterity; 通史 general history; 野史,外史 private or unofficial records of a period; 文學史 literary history; 思想史 history of thought; 哲學史 history of philosophy, etc.; 編年史 annals, chronological history; 史料,史話 [shi3liao4], [shi3hua4]↓; 國史館 national archives; 史無前例 unprecedented in history. (2) An official: 御史 imperial censor; 令史,典史 a government secretary. (3) A surname.
| Words | 1. 史筆 [shi2bi3], n., a habit of writers to hint at, rather than write explicitly (for reader to read between the lines). 2. 史部 [shi3bu4], n., history as one of the four main divisions of Chin. libraries (經,史,子,集, see 四部 41.41). 3. 史館 [shi2guan3], n., national archives, bureau in charge of writing and preserving historical records. 4. 史官 [shi3guan1], n., a court historian. 5. 史話 [shi3hua4], n., historical narrative. 6. 史料 [shi3liao4], n., historical data. 7. 史論 [shi3lun4], n., historical essay. 8. 史評 [shi3ping2], n., historical criticism. 9. 史乘 [shi3sheng4], n., histories, historical works. 10. 史詩 [shi3shi1], n., epic poetry, historical narrative poem. 11. 史學 [shi3xUe2], n., (1) the study of history; (2) the science of history, historiography. 12. 史冊 [shi3ce4], n., anc. history books, historical works.