释义 |
台台 | 1393C50 93.30 | 部居
 | 畫數 5 | ㄊㄞˊ [tai2] . [Oft. used for phonetic value in place of臺, such as 台灣 Taiwan] | N. | (1) Term of respectful address in letters, equiv. 先生, in place of the more direct “you,” “your”: 台鑒,台覽,台照 your perusal (of this letter); 台察 your consideration; 兄台 (court.) you; 台教 your advice; 謹尊台命 obey your instructions; 台駕 your presence, arrival (“carriage”). (2) Common and gen. var. of 臺 11.11. (3) ([yi2]) (AC) I, first person (=予). (4) An erected structure: 地台 terrace; 月台,講台 platform; 舞台 stage.
| Words | 1. 台步 [tai2bu4], n., prescribed gait, measured steps, in Chin. opera. 2. 台端 [tai2duan1], n., you, your esteemed self (chiefly in correspondence). 3. 台風 [tai2feng1], n., stage manners. 4. 台甫 [tai2fu3], n., (court.) your name. 5. 台柱(子) [tai2zhu4]([zi0]), n., important actor in troupe or cast. 6. 台銜 [tai2xian2], n., your rank. 7. 台詞 [tai2ci2], n., stage dialogue; recitative.