释义 |
叨叨 | 594B05 40A.50-5 | 部居
 | 畫數 5 | ㄊㄠ [tao1] (*ㄉㄠ [dao1] ). | V.t. | (1) receive: 叨蒙 (LL) receive (gifts, visit, etc.); see 叨教,叨光 [tao1jiao4], [tao1guang1]↓. (2) (*[dao1]) Chatter.
| Adj. | Unworthy: 叨在知己 (court.) unworthily (i.e., have the honor to) be reckoned among your friends.
| Words | 1. 叨叨 *[dao1dao1], v.i., chatter 叨叨念念 muttering, grumbling, see also [dao1lao0], [dao1deng0]↓. 2. 叨登 (叨蹬) *[dao1deng0], v.i., chatter, jabber: 又來叨蹬這件事 again came to talk about this thing; turn things upside down. 3. 叨光 [tao1guang1], v.i., have the honor--(LL, court.) formula for thanking person for gifts or favors or for request. 4. 叨教 [tao1jiao4], v.i., have the benefit of your advice. 5. 叨嘮 *[dao1lao0], v.i., grumble, mutter. 6. 叨念 *[dao1nian4], v.i., ditto. 7. 叨擾 [tao1rao3], v.i., (court.) apologize for the trouble one has caused to one's host; 叨擾了 “thank you ever so much!” 8. 叨沓 [tao1ta4], adj., greedy.