释义 |
另另 | 572A50 40.50 | 部居
 | 畫數 5 | ㄌㄧㄥˋ [ling4] | Adj. & adv. | Another, other, some other (denoting s.t. besides what is already known or discussed): 那是另一回事 that is another mater; 另日 another day; 另有他故 there must be some other reasons; 另做打算,另打主意 make some other plans, seek some other ways; 另起爐 start all over again, make new plans; 另請高明 find some better person than myself (refusal); 另函 in separate letter, write separately; 另眼看待 look upon (person) with special respect, fondness.
| Words | 1. 另外 [ling4wai4], adj. & adv., separate, separately, some other: 另有一件事 there is another matter (to be done, discussed); 另外有個愛人 have another sweetheart; 另外有事 be otherwise occupied.