释义 |
取取 | 529C30 31S.82-3 | 部居
 | 畫數 8 | ㄑㄩˇ [qU3] | V.t. | (1) To take, get, obtain: 取得同意 get s. o.’s consent; 取得學位 get an academic degree; 不取分文 will not take a cent--gratis; 非分 ([fen4]) 不取 will not take what is improper; 予取予求 phr., rapacious, demand everything. (2) Oft. preceded by another vb. to indicate various forms of obtaining (by seizure, seeking, picking, etc.): 獵取 hunt (game); 追取 to pursue; 尋取,覓取 look for; 攻取,奪取 attack (territory), rob; 獲取 obtain in gen.; 採取 adopt (policy). (3) Aim for, select for specific reason: 取其便 choose it for its convenience; 從中取利 make a profit for oneself in some deal; 取涼,取快,取樂,取巧 [qU3liang2], [qU3kuai4], [qU3le4], [qU3qiao3]↓; 取便 for convenience; 取其外貌 select a person by his looks; 取友 select friends; 取人之善 take a person's good points. (4) To pass in examinations: 選取 select talents as by examinations; 錄取,考取了,被取 pass in examinations; 正取,備取 pass on regular, on reserve list. (5) Approve: 可取 commendable; 一無可取 nothing to recommend (person, course of action). (6) (AC) used as var. of 娶 to marry.
| Vb. complement. | Esp. in poetry: 記取 remember (=記得); 聽取意見 hear different opinions; 看取 to see.
| Words | 1. 取保 [qU2bao3], v.i., ask s.o. to act as guarantor. 2. 取便 [qU3bian4], (1) V.i., do as one pleases without restraint; (2) phr., so as to facilitate: 取便宣傳 to facilitate propaganda: 取便 (=以便) 推銷 in order to facilitate distribution (of goods). 3. 取償 [qU3chang2], v.i., to be reimbursed for cost or labor. 4. 取巧 [qU3qiao3], v.i., to take short cut, choose the easy way, not the orthodox way. 5. 取齊 [qU3qi2], v.i., (1) to fall in line; (2) to take as measure: 衣服長短,照舊樣取齊 take the old dress as sample; 東西多少,要拿錢取齊兒 how much one will buy depends on how much one is willing to spend. 6. 取道 [qU3dao4], adv., by way of (Shanghai, Nanking, etc.). 7. 取燈兒 [qU3deng1er0], n., (Peking dial.) matches (also 洋取燈兒). 8. 取得 [qU3de2], v.t., obtain (consent, sympathy, doctor's degree, wealth and position, etc.). 9. 取締 [qU3di4], v.t., to ban (publications, etc.); deprive (person) of certain rights. 10. 取法 [qU2fa3], v.t., copy s.o. as example. 11. 取告 [qU3gao4], v.i., (AC) take leave (=告假); 12. 取和兒 [qU3he2er0], v.i., go for peaceful settlement. 13. 取回權 [qU3hui2qUan2], n., right of recovery. 14. 取給 [qU3ji3], v.i., to lean for support of living: 取給於人 depend on s.o. for support. 15. 取決 [qU3jUe2], v.i., to make decision: 由他取決 let him make the final decision. 16. 取快 [qU3kuai4], adv., for pleasure, for the fun of it. 17. 取樂 (兒) [qU3le4]([er0]), v.i., (do s. t.) to have fun: 罵人取樂 criticize others as a pastime. 18. 取涼 [qU3liang2], v.i., to enjoy the cool shade. 19. 取錄 [qU3lu4], v.t., to pass (person) at examinations; to admit after test. 20. 取名 [qU3ming2], v.i., to be given a name, be called (Paul, James, etc.). 21. 取譬 [qU3pi4], v.i., to give example, cite analogies: 能近取譬 can explain by simple analogy. 22. 取擾 [qU3rao3], v.t., (court.) to bother s. o. (=打擾). 23. 取容 [qU3rong2], v.i., to aim at pleasing s. o. 24. 取舍 (捨) [qU3she3], n., the power of judgment, of taking or rejecting. 25. 取勝 [qU3sheng4], v.i., (1) desire to excel; (2) to win victory. 26. 取消 [qU3xiao1], v.t., to cancel (promise, reservation, treaty, etc.). 27. 取笑 (兒) [qU3xiao4]([er0]) v.i. & t., to make fun, make fun of person. 28. 取士 [qU3shi4], v.i., select scholars for government service. 29. 取材 [qU3cai2], v.i., to get material (for writing) from. 30. 取次 [qU3ci4], adv., (1) (MC) in order, one by one; (2) (MC) casually (=造次). 31. 取問 [qU3wen4], v.t., to cross-examine (accused, witness). 32. 取義 [qU3yi4], phr., to prefer right to might: 捨生取義 to die for principle. 33. 取盈 [qU3ying2], phr., (1) to strive for satisfaction; (2) (AC) to require that tax assessments be paid in full. 34. 取友 [qU3you3], v.i., to select friends by certain standards. 35. 取悅 [qU3yUe4], v.t., to please (person), to curry popularity: 取悅於人.