释义 |
反反 | 1167C50 90.82 | 部居
 | 畫數 4 | ㄈㄢˇ [fan3] . [Cogn.返 90.83;翻 90S.50] | N. | (1) Opposite, reverse side: 正之反 (LL) opposite of right side; 適得其反 (LL) get just the opposite; see 平反 (pr. [ping2fan1] reverse court verdict. (2) Rebellion: 造反 raise rebellion; 謀反 attempt rebellion.
| V.i. | (1) Rebel: 反了,反了 this is rebellion! (2) Return, come back (interch. 返): 反家 come home; 他不反回來 he does not come home; 反命 to report on mission after return; 反歸正道 return to orthodox church or to correct ways of life; 反 (返) 老還童 rejuvenate in old age; see 反古 [fan3gu3]↓.
| V.t. | (1) To oppose, turn against, criticize: 反對 [fan3dui4]↓; 反孔,反耶 oppose Confucianism, Christianity; 反復古,反維新 be against traditionalism, against reform; 反邪歸正 return to orthodoxy. (2) To counter: 反問,反詰 counter-question; 反駁 answer criticism; 反唇,反目,反臉 [fan3chun2], [fan3mu4], [fan3lian3]↓. (3) To turn over: 反過來 turn over; 反掌 [fan3zhang3]↓, 反覆 [fan3fu4]↓; 舉一反三 (Confucius) teacher mentions one corner (aspect), student should reflect and think out the other three corners.
| Adj. | (1) Anti-: 相反的 contrary, opposite; 反教 anti-religion; 反帝國主義 anti-imperialism; 反面 [fan3mian4]↓; 反革命 (的) counter-revolution (ary); 反作用 counter-effect. (2) Reversed: 反犬旁 the radical; 反文旁 the radical; 反片 the 片 in reverse position, 爿.
| Adv. | (1) On the contrary, instead, not as one might suppose, esp. 反而: 反 (而) 不如從前 on the contrary, it is worse than before; 反教他罵了我一頓 instead I was given a good scolding; 我送他錢,反而得罪他 I gave him money and the result was I offended him; 反 (而) 把事情弄僵了 instead the matter got worse. (2) Back: 反觀 look back; 反顧 look back upon past or own mistake; 反求諸己 (Confucius) reflect and try to find fault in oneself; 反噬 bite back, accuse s.o. (who might be a friend); 反打瓦 accuse others while oneself is to blame; 反縛 hands tied on the back.
| Words | 1. 反本 [fan2ben3], v.i., go back to original basic teaching. 2. 反辯 [fan3bian4], v.t. & n., to refute, rebuttal. 3. 反璧 [fan3bi4], v.i., (LL) return (article). 4. 反比 (例) [fan2bi3] ([li4]), n., inverse ratio. 5. 反駁 [fan3bo2], v.i. & t., reply to criticism. 6. 反常 [fan3chang2], adj., abnormal; (derg.) against all tradition. 7. 反切 [fan3qie4] ([fan1qie4]), n., exact but cumbersome system of giving pronunciation of character by two other characters, first giving consonant, second giving vowel formations: thus 反 is indicated by 甫晚切 [fu1] and [wan1], giving pronunciation [fan1], [fan1]. 8. 反串 [fan3chuan4], v.i., (of actor) play not one's customary role. 9. 反芻 [fan3chu2], v.i., chew the cud. 10. 反唇 [fan3chun2], v.i., quarrel. 11. 反倒 [fan2dao3], adv., on the contrary: 反倒不好. 12. 反對 [fan3dui4], v.t., to oppose (stand, policy, etc.): 他老是和你反對 he always opposes you; 反對派 the political opposition; 反對份子 recalcitrant elements. 13. 反動 [fan3dong4], n., reaction, physical or political; adj., reactionary; 反動派 reactionaries. 14. 反而 [fan3er2], adv., see Adv.1↑. 15. 反覆(復) [fan3fu4], v.i., as in 反覆無常 change one's mind constantly; (adv.) again and again (explain), also 反反覆覆. 16. 反感 [fan2gan3], n., reaction; bad reaction. 17. 反光 [fan3guang1], n., reflected light, glare. 18. 反顧 [fan3gu4], v.i., look back; look back upon oneself: 無所反顧 never look back, set on determined course. 19. 反共 (主義) [fan3gong4], adj. & n., anti-communist, -nism. 20. 反攻 [fan3gong1]1, v.i., counterattack. 21. 反躬 [fan3gong1]2, v.i., examine oneself. 22. 反古 [fan2gu3], v.i., return to ancient ideas, customs. 23. 反悔 [fan2hui3], v.i., to repent. 24. 反掌 [fan2zhang3], v.i., in 易如反掌 (AC) as easy as turning over one's hand. 25. 反照 [fan3zhao4], v.i., reflect (light). 26. 反證 [fan3zheng4]1, n., counter-evidence. 27. 反正 [fan3zheng4]2, adv., anyway: 反正他是逃不了 anyway he cannot escape. 28. 反真 [fan3zhen1], v.i., (Taoist) go back to original nature. 29. 反間 [fan3jian4], n., ruse, strategy to alienate allies. 30. 反詰 [fan3jie1], v.i., answer back, counter back. 31. 反擊 [fan3ji2], v.i., counterattack. 32. 反轉 [fan2zhuan3], v.i., turn over, turn round. 33. 反撞力 [fan3zhuang4li4], n., recoil (of rifles). 34. 反抗 [fan3kang4], v.t. & n., resist (enemy), -ance. 35. 反臉 [fan2lian3], v.i., break up friendship, also 翻臉. 36. 反亂 [fan3luan4], n., turmoil, revolts. 37. 反面 [fan3mian4], n., the opposite side, reverse. 38. 反目 [fan3mu4], v.i., in 夫妻反目 quarrel between husband and wife. 39. 反逆 [fan3ni4], n. & adj., (derog.) rebel, against established law and order. 40. 反紐 [fan2niu3], n., see 反切 [fan2qie4]↑. 41. 反叛 [fan3pan4], n. & adj. & v.t., rebellion, -ious, to rebel. 42. 反派 [fan3pai4], n., villain in a piece; person always against s.t. 43. 反璞 [fan3pu2], v.i., go back to original, whole nature of man (Taoist). 44. 反哺 [fan2pu3], v.i., (of black crow reputed to) feed its parents. 45. 反射 [fan3she4], v.i. & n., reflect, -tion (of light). 46. 反響 [fan2xiang3], n., echo; reaction (to speech, conduct). 47. 反相 [fan3xiang4], n., the looks or indications of planning rebellion. 48. 反省 [fan2xing3], v.i., self-reflection, search oneself for mistakes. 49. 反訴 [fan3su4], v.i. & n., counter-accusation. 50. 反側 [fan3ce4], v.i., turn over restlessly; revolt in palace. 51. 反坐 [fan3zuo4], v.t., make plaintiff pay penalty of accused. 52. 反胃 [fan3wei4], v.i., (Chin. med.) turn the stomach; also 翻胃. 53. 反應 [fan3ying4]1 v.i. & n., react, -tion. 54. 反映 [fan3ying4]2, v.i. & n., reflect, -tion (of light, character, period).