释义 |
叉叉 | 542B10 32.82 | 部居
| 畫數 3 | ㄔㄚ [cha1] (*ㄔㄚˊ [cha2] , *ㄔㄚˇ [cha3] ). | N. | ([cha1zi0]) A fork, a prong: 刀叉 knife and fork; 叉竿,木叉 (also wr. 杈) a pronged stick; 鐵叉 an iron prong or poker; 火叉子 fire tongs; 魚叉子 a fish spear.
| V.t. | (1) To cross: 叉手 [cha1shou3]↓; 叉指 to interlace fingers; 交叉 to cross (lines, roads); 交叉點 crossroads, point of intersection. (2) To pick up with a fork, hold at bay or push as with a fork; 用叉叉魚 spear a fish; 叉起一塊肉 pick up meat with fork; 叉出門外 push (person) out of the gate with both hands. (3) To play mahjong: 叉麻雀 or 麻匠. (4) (*[cha2]) To stick in the throat: 叉在嗓子裡 (bone) sticks in the throat. (5) (*[cha2]) To hook up a railawy car: 叉車 cars stack up and block the road. (6) (*[cha3]) To fork out, branch out in different directions: 叉開 [cha3kai1]↓; 叉牙 [cha3ya2]↓; 褲叉 (in tailoring) where the legs of trousers meet; 叉門 to stand at door and block entrance with arms spread out.
| Words | 1. 叉股子話 [cha1gu3zi0hua4], n., (coll.) contradictory statements. 2. 叉灰泥 *[cha3hui1ni2], n., mixed cement. 3. 叉開 *[cha3kai1], v.i., fork out, push aside with both hands. 4. 叉劈 [cha3pi0], adj. & adv., divergent: 走叉劈了 (our) ways diverge in different directions. 5. 叉手 [cha1shou3], v.i., to fold hands in salute. 6. 叉牙 [cha1ya2], (1) v.i., to fork; (2) adj., (branches) forking out (also wr.杈枒).