释义 |
又又 | 542A40 32.82 | 部居
 | 畫數 2 | ㄧㄡˋ [you4] . [Usu. printed ] | Adv. | (1) Again: 你又來了 you again! 又過了一天 another day passed again; in many combinations expressing the idea “again”: 又復,又再,更又 again; 且又 besides; 又加,又兼 in addition (besides). (2) Oft. containing a rebuke, disapproval: 又是他 it's he, the same person, again! 又來官樣文章 again the bombastic talk of bureaucracy; 你又不是一個小孩 besides, you are not a child (and should not listen to him).
| Conj. | And: 一又三分之二 one and two-thirds; oft. 又…又…:又高又大 big and tall; 又聾又啞 both deaf and mute; 又冷又下雨 it's cold and raining; 又饑又渴 both hungry and thirsty.