

ㄎㄚˇ [ka3 (*ㄑㄧㄚˇ [qia3), *ㄑㄧㄚˊ [qia2).
N.(1)  Card: [ka3pian4]↓.
(2)  (*[qia3]) Pincers, see [ka3zi0]↓.
V.t.(1)  (*[qia2]) To wedge in: 把茶几在兩把椅子中間 put a tea table between two chairs.
(2)  (*[qia2] or *[qia3]) To choke, be choked: 魚骨住了喉嚨 a fishbone sticks in the throat;
住了,著了 to wedge in, to be stuck in the throat;
死了 be choked to death;
著了,了一下 he gets choked.
Words1. 賓槍 [ka3bin1qiang1], n., (translit.) a carbine.
2. [ka3bo0], adj., bow-legged: 著腿兒往前走 walks bow-legged;
3. 襠 ([ka3bo0dang1]) n., place between the thighs.
4. [ka3che1], cart, truck.
5. 介苗 [ka3jie4miao2], n., (med.) BCG vaccine (abbr. for Bacillus Calmette-Guerin).
6. 剌特 [ka3la4te4], n., (translit.) a carat.
7. 路里 [ka3lu4li3], n., (translit.) calorie.
8. [ka3lun2], n., formerly, a Mongolian border post (also called 邊臺).
9. [ka3pian4], n., a card (as name card, postcard, card catalogue).
10. [ka3tong1], n., (translit.) cartoon.
11. 子 *[qia3zi0], n., (1) toll, post for domestic duty: 口,關 such station for collecting duty; (2) patrol: 下子,撒子 set patrols; (3) pincers, also hairpin (髮).





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