释义 |
卜卜 | 356B05 22.22 | 部居
 | 畫數 2 | ㄅㄨˇ [bu3] | N. | (1) Divination: 卜卦先生,賣卜先生 fortuneteller; 求神問卜 pray and consult oracle. (2) A surname.
| V.i. &t. | (1) To divine: 卜卦,卜課 [bu3gua4], [bu3ke4]↓. (2) To predict, foretell: 勝負難卜 difficult to tell who will win; 吉凶未卜 cannot predict the outcome, good or bad; 未可預卜 cannot foretell; 未卜先知 to know without consulting oracle. (3) To choose (with or without divination): 卜居 place for residence; 卜鄰 choose neighborhood; 卜宅 choose house or tomb site; 卜老 choose place for retirement; 卜畫卜夜 phr., (AC) day and night without cease.
| Words | 1. 卜卦 [bu3gua4], n. & v.i., divine, divination by the eight diagrams (八卦 80.80). 2. 卜課 [bu3ke4], n., art of divination; a session at the divination. 3. 卜數 [bu3shu4], n. & v.i., art of fortunetelling; augur. 4. 卜筮 [bu3shi4], v.i. & n., to divine by tortoise shell or straw, now used as gen. term for fortunetelling. 5. 卜算 [bu3suan4], n. & v.i., see [bu3shu4]↑. 6. 卜辭 [bu3ci2], n., the oracle as shown on tortoise shell in Shang Dyn.