释义 |
匹匹 | 747C25 51.21-9 | 部居
| 畫數 4 | ㄆㄧˇ [pi3] | N.adjunct. | 一匹馬 a horse; 匹馬 lone rider; 三匹馬 three horses: 匹馬單槍 phr., go to battle single-handed; 一匹布 a length of clothing material; a roll of clothing material (also wr. 疋).
| N. | Mate, match, equal: 無有其匹 without equal; 勇敢無匹 brave without equal; 匹偶 [pi3ou3]↓.
| V.t. | To match: 匹敵 [pi3di2]↓.
| Adj. | Equal; lone: 匹夫 [pi3fu1]↓.
| Words | 1. 匹儔 [pi3chou2], n., equal, a worthy match. 2. 匹敵 [pi3di2], n., worthy opponent, good match (in strength). 3. 匹夫 [pi3fu1], n., an ordinary person, a lone person, everyman: 匹夫匹婦 everyman, common people, person without rank; 天下興亡,匹夫有責 everyman is responsible for his country; 匹夫之勇 (derog.) mere physical courage; 匹夫不可奪志 even an ordinary person has his unchangeable ambitions; 匹夫無罪懷璧其罪 (AC) a man's wealth is his own ruin (by causing others’ greed). 4. 匹練 [pi3lian4], n., (LL) waterfalls (similar to a stretch of shining silk). 5. 匹鳥 [pi2niao3], n., (LL) mandarin ducks who always go in pairs. 6. 匹偶 [pi2ou3], n., mate, life mate. 7. 匹配 [pi3pei4], n., life mate; equal match. 8. 匹庶 [pi3shu4], n., common people. 9. 匹亞 [pi3ya4], n. & adj., match, equal.