释义 |
化化 | 1265C40 91A.70-2 | 部居
| 畫數 4 | ㄏㄨㄚˋ [hua4] | N. | (1) Culture: 化行俗美 the spread of culture made for good manners, culture spread and the customs were good; 文化 culture; 風化 public morals, social customs; 化外 outside the pale of Chin. civilization. (2) Short for 化學 chemistry: 化工 chemical engineering; 理化 (=物理,化學) physics and chemistry.
| V.t. | (1) To change, to convert, to transform, to influence: 變化 to change; 化…為 change into: 化敵為友 convert enemy into friend; 化暗為明 change dark into light, also legalize what was underground traffic; 化險為夷 come out safely from danger, bring order and peace out of chaos and confusion; 化整為零 break up whole into parts; 化腐朽為神奇 transform the corruptible into mysterious life; 化干戈為玉帛 “beat swords into ploughshares”--put an end to war and have peace; 春風化雨 the kindly influence of a good teacher. (2) To disguise: 化名 use an alias, to change one's name in disguise; 化服 change dress; 化裝 [hua4zhuang1]1↓; (3) To transform physically: 化氣 become gas; 化水 liquefy; 化成灰 become ashes; 分化 disintegrate; 溶化 to melt; 融化 to merge; 燒化,焚化,火化 to burn up (the dead as in cremation); 羽化 (Taoist) to go up to heaven as a fairy. (4) In many modn. terms=-ize: 歐化 Europeanize; 西化,西洋化 westernize; 現代化 modernize; 形式化 become mere form, formalize; 合理化 rationalize (industrial management); 進化 to be progressive; 惡化 worsen, deteriorate, become worse; 表面化 bring to the surface. (5) To beg: 募化 (Budd.) solicit contributions; 叫化子 a beggar; See 化緣 [hua4yUan2]↓.
| Words | 1. 化除 [hua4chu2], v.t., to abolish, remove (prejudices, bad customs). 2. 化度 [hua4du4], v.t., (Budd.) to convert to Buddhist way of life. 3. 化鶴 [hua4he4], phr., (Taoist & LL) to fly up bodily to heaven. 4. 化合 [hua4he2], v.i. & n., (chem.) to combine in chemical process; 化合物 (chem.) compound. 5. 化境 [hua4jing4], n., in art, the ultimate highest state of becoming like nature itself. 6. 化裝 [hua4zhuang1]1, v.i. & n., to dress in disguise. 7. 化妝 [hua4zhuang1]2, v.i. & n., to apply make-up; 化妝品 cosmetics. 8. 化名 [hua4ming2], v.t., to disguise one's name, adopt a pseudonym. 9. 化身 [hua4shen1], v.i., (1) (Budd.) transformation of Buddha in different manifestations; (2) (of persons) a personification (of love, piety). 10. 化生 [hua4sheng1], v.i., (Budd.) the creation of life or animals; become s.t. from nothing. 11. 化香樹 [hua4xiang1shu4], n., (bot.) Platycarya strobilacea, a tree whose fruit is used for black dye. 12. 化石 [hua4shi2], (1) n., (geo.) fossil; (2) v.i., to fossilize. 13. 化學 [hua4xUe2], n., chemistry; 化學式 chemical formula; 化學家 chemist. 14. 化驗 [hua4yan4], n., chemical analysis. 15. 化緣 [hua4yUan2], v.i., beg for alms. 16. 化育 [hua4yU4], n. & v.t., the growth and change of living things by nature.