释义 |
務務 | 564B45 32S.50-9 | 部居
 | 畫數 11 | ㄨˋ [wu4] | N. | (1) Affairs, business: 事務 affairs in gen.; 職務 duties; 公務 office business, opp. 私務 private business; 校務 school affairs; 政務 political business, administrative duties; 服務 n. & v.i., service; 債務 debts; 業務 business affairs, professional business; 庶務 business (department); 總務 gen. management. (2) (Suhng Dyn.) tax bureau: 市易務.
| Vb. aux. | Must, should: 務必,務須 [wu4bi4], [wu4xU1]↓; 務得 so that (+vb. or adj.): 務得妥當 so that it will be in order; 務使 so as to make it (attractive, neat), or so that.
| V.t. | (1) To lay emphasis on, to be concerned with, to concentrate on: 務正,務本 [wu4zheng4], [wu4ben3]↓; 不務正業 does not attend to own main profession. (2) To take as profession: 務農 be a farmer; 務醫 be a doctor. (3) To try to be (+adj.): 務新奇 strive for novelty; 務實 try to be practical; 務全 to seek after perfection, completeness.
| Words | 1. 務本 [wu4ben3], v.i., concentrate on the essentials, on the foundation. 2. 務必 [wu4bi4], v.b. aux., must, should (return on time, etc.). 3. 務求 [wu4qiu2], v.i., strive to or for. 4. 務正 [wu4zheng4], v.i., attend to proper business; attend to moral conduct. 5. 務須 [wu4xU1], vb. aux., must, should, see [wu4bi4]↑.