释义 |
功功 | 523B50 31S.50-9 | 部居
| 畫數 5 | ㄍㄨㄥ [gong1] | N. | (1) Achievements, accomplishments: 功名 [gong1ming2], 功德 [gong1de2], 功勞 [gong1lao0], 功勳[gong1xUn1], 功利 [gong1li4]1, 功績 [gong1ji2], 功業 [gong1ye4]↓; 功虧一簣 just one step short of success or completion; 功不補過 demerits outweigh merits; 徒勞無功 make futile efforts; 功成身退 retire affer having made one's mark; 成功 success; 有功 deserving of recognition for services rendered; 立功 accomplish a great service or achivement. (2) Efficacy, good results: 功效 [gong1xiao4], 功用 [gong1yong4], 功能 [gong1neng2], 功力 [gong1li4]2↓. (3) Action deserving reward, merit (opp. 過 demerit): 記功, give mark of credit; 紀功碑 memorial tablet. (4) (Phys.) work. (5) A mourning garment: 功服 [gong1fu2]↓.
| Words | 1. 功臣 [gong1chen2], n., formerly, loyal ministers with a record of distinguished service, (fig.) anyone who has rendered great service. 2. 功德 [gong1de2], n., (1) an achievement or contribution 功德無量 a great service to mankind; (2) (Budd.) meritorious works. 3. 功夫 [gong1fu0], n., (1) (interch. 工夫) time and energy expended on work; (2) degree of perfection attained in any line of work: 功夫甚深 knowledge of subject is profound. 4. 功服 [gong1fu2], n., formerly, a mourning garment worn for nine months in case of 大功 and for five months in that of 小功. 5. 功架 [gong1jia4], n., (1) a person's conduct and carriage; (2) an actor's movements and gestures on stage. 6. 功績 [gong1ji2], n., merits, contributions. 7. 功課 [gong1ke4], n., lessons, studies (also 工課). 8. 功勞 [gong1lao0], n., meritorious services, contribution (great, small) to work, nation, etc. 9. 功利 [gong1li4]1, n., utility, material gain: 功利主義 utilitarianism. 10. 功力 [gong1li4]2, n., (1) merits, efficacy; (2) (coll.) force and skill, esp. in regard to training. 11. 功率 [gong1lU4], n., (phys.) power, degree of power. 12. 功名 [gong1ming2], n., formerly, official honor or rank, esp. academic degrees in civil examinations. 13. 功能 [gong1neng2], n., function, skill, ability. 14. 功效 [gong1xiao4], n., effect (-iveness), efficacy (of medicine, etc.). 15. 功勳 [gong1xUn1], n., services to the nation. 16. 功業 [gong1ye4], n., outstanding accomplishments to nation or society. 17. 功用 [gong1yong4], n., purpose, function; efficacy.