释义 |
剛剛 | 726B30 42S.00-2 | 部居
| 畫數 10 | ㄍㄤ [gang1] | Adj. | Hard, unyielding, rigid (opp. 柔 soft, pliant, flexible): 剛強 [gang1qiang0], 剛直 [gang1zhi2]↓; 血氣方剛 (of young men) impetuous and ready to pick quarrels; 柔能克剛 gentleness can overcome strength; 剛柔相濟 to temper force with mercy; 剛毛 tough bristles; 剛板硬正 upright and outspoken.
| Adv. | (1) Just, a very short time ago: 剛才,剛纔 [gang1cai2]↓; 剛剛 [gang1gang1]↓; 剛走了不到一分鐘 went out less than a minute ago; 剛拿到手 have just come to hand; 剛到 have just arrived; 剛吃 be just eating; 剛開始 just beginning to do s.t. (2) Only, barely, at an opportune moment: 剛巧 [gang1qiao3], 剛好 [gang1hao3]↓; 剛剩一口 just a mouthful is left over; 剛夠買車票 just enough money to buy a ticket.
| Words | 1. 剛愎 [gang1bi4], adj., obstinate, stubborn: 剛愎自用 obstinate and self-willed. 2. 剛巧 [gang1qiao3], adv., (1) by a happy coincidence; (2) at a most opportune moment. 3. 剛強 [gang1qiang0], adj., firm and uncompromising. 4. 剛剛(兒) [gang1gang1]([er0]), adv., (1) just now, a short while ago; (2) by chance or coincidence. 5. 剛好 [gang1hao3], adv., at the right moment: 剛好他來 just at the right moment he turned up. 6. 剛正 [gang1zheng4], adj., upright, impartial: 剛正不阿 standing on principles and not yielding to pressure. 7. 剛直 [gang1zhi2], adj., upright, firm in principle. 8. 剛性 [gang1xing4] ([gang1xing0]), n. & adj., rigid, (-ity), inflexible, (-bility). 9. 剛纔 [gang1cai2], adv., (usu. 剛才) just a moment ago, just now. 10. 剛毅 [gang1yi4], adj., resolute and firm; fortitude.